It is currently 1am while writing this, i can hear everything in the godamn house, and yet i still refuse to sleep.
It is now daytime me, the me above this gave me a fucking migrane.
(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"...a plate."
Karl mumbles."The strangest thing you've tried to eat is a plate?"
I ask."Yep, a few years ago i was trying to figure out how far my powers would go, so i tried to see if i could regenerate while being hurt on the i broke a plate and ate the shards."
Karl explains."Woah."
I mumble."Yeah, i have never felt more pain in my life than when i ate those plate shards."
Karl chuckles."Sounds like it."
I say, smiling a bit.We finally make it to the village, the same bleak houses fill the area...i remember how i tried to act when i first got here, like a professional from special forces, a hero of im committing mass murder with a man who manipulates metal and curses like a sailor.
"Alright, lets find food before you die."
Karl says."Wanna go into different houses? It'll be faster."
I suggest, he slowly turns his head and looks at me."You've almost died so many times and have actually died once, i am not leaving you on your own."
Karl says."Fair enough."
I mumble, walking into the first house i see.Inside is a normal house you'd see, at least normal for this place, a fire oven and hard wooden table, an animal skin rug and small toys sculpted from wood laying around...i hope i don't find another kid, i could barely stand finding the baby.
"Alright, look around the kitchen, im gonna go fuck around in a different room to see if i can find anything useful to me."
Karl says, walking away.I make my way to the larder of the home, if these people had food, it would be here. I slide the cloth away to reveal the shelves, most of them are empty, but there's small cloth ties on some of them, i grab one and untie it.
"Hm..moldy bread."
I mumble, tossing it to the side, i grab the next cloth tie and pull it away."Soup...moldy fucking soup."
I groan, holding my nose from the disgusting smell around it, i throw it far away from me and grab the last one."Come on..please..!"
I whisper, untying it, inside isn't food, its just....leaves, very strong smelling leaves, i guess they use these for spices."Not food, keeping that."
I say, putting the spices in my pocket walking to a window, i look outside to the other homes, and i notice something near a gate..a small garden from the looks of it."Huh..Karl wouldn't mind if i just.."
I mumble, slipping out of the house and walking to the garden that's just a few dozen feet away.I make it there with ease, no monsters or Karl making it hard, once im there i notice an amazing crop of vegetables and fruits. tomatoes, rampicante, and even potatoes..!
"This is great...!"
I exclaim, ripping the food of their stems and onto the ground next to me.While picking, i hear an odd sound, like...growling, it couldn't be a monster, right? Karl apparently either makes or keeps destroying them, so they'd probably fear him..right?
"Karl..? Are you trying to fuck with me?"
I mumble, the noises stop and silence fills the village.I get up and slowly pick up my food, if it is a monster i need to get back to that house. While im picking it up, something emerges from behind a well...a monster.
I whisper, it growls at me and hunches its back, it looks like its going to try tackling me...this may end badly."Uh..shit."
I mumble it roars...should've expected that they'd be out here.I grab what's left of my food and make a break for the house, its sprints after me. Just as i make it to the door, it tackles me down, making me drop my food and land on my stomach.
I yell, struggling under its pointy fingered grasp on me.It opens its jaw, letting a rotting smell float towards me, it inches closer to me, but once its just inches from biting into my face, its flung backwards and hits the well, i look behind me and see Karl..he looks pissed.
"Listen before you get mad, i--..huh?"
I hum, he storms away from me and towards the monster, a piece of a metal scrap flings towards them and falls to his feet.Karl grabs metal and starts to beat the monster, aggressively banging its head into itself, its definitely long gone, but...he isn't stopping.
"Karl, Its dead! stop beating the corpse..!"
I say, he doesn't seem to listen, he just keeps going...i can see blood flinging out of the fucking head."Stop before it gets smashed into mush!"
I say, getting up and walking towards him, he quickly turns and storms to me next, grabbing the shoulder of my good arm, he's gonna be pissed i left..."Did it bite you? Or stabbed you or..anything??"
Karl asks, i look at him in surprise...he was pissed at it because he thought it hurt me?" tackled me, but it didn't really hurt me."
I mumble, he checks my neck and shoulders for anything, once he finds nothing he sighs and lets me go."This is why you shouldn't leave when You're in the damn village, they seem to lurk anywhere humans go."
Karl says."..i got food."
I say, pointing to the things that are now on the floor."....alright, grab the food and lets go, but you're not of the damn hook yet."
Karl says, i nod and grab the food of the floor, Karl grabs some as well."Why did you freak out that much?"
I ask."I didn't freak out, i just saw it and decided to kill it..!"
Karl protests."You were beating its already dead remains...for a pretty long time after it died."
I say."...fuck off."
Karl mumbles."Im not stopping until i get an answer..!"
I say."Alright fine! Nosey little shit. Maybe its because i need your help with the shit around the factory? Leading a war gets fucking boring."
Karl says." you saved me because You're bored without me?"
I ask, grinning like he usually does."Fuck off!"
He growls."Alright alright!"
I say, laughing a little, i forgot how quickly i can piss him off...his expression is kinda funny.Now we have food, maybe i can explore around the factory, after i eat of fucking starving, good food is long overdue.

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...