Did you know you can piss green by drinking monster energy at an alarming rate? I didn't...i still wish i didn't. *-*
(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I finally get out of the hallway and to the stairs, i spot Lady Dimitrescu sitting on the sofa, tapping her fingers on it, i walk down the stairs and go down, sitting beside her on the sofa, she seems to jump a little when she feels the sofa dip.
"Oh! Hello, i didn't expect you to leave the bath so soon."
Lady Dimitrescu says."I feel a lot better now, thanks."
I say."Of course, I'm glad you're better off here."
Lady Dimitrescu says...that's an eerie thing to say."Well...what'd you want to tell me?"
I say, her slight smile turns into a grim expression."Oh yes...well, this is not easy to say..."
Lady Dimitrescu mumbles."What's wrong?"
I ask, she sighs and grabs both of my hands, squeezing them and looking at me."Mother Miranda thinks Heisenberg may be trying to do something...we do not know what, i had gotten the phone call when you were bathing."
Lady Dimitrescu says."What is he doing..?"
I ask."His factory is producing lots of smoke, and it seems as if his monstrous experiments have disappeared, it started the night i had found you and your small child in the snow."
Lady Dimitrescu says."What..? Do you have any idea on what he could be doing??"
I ask."Unfortunately no...all i know is that you are not safe outside of the castle anymore, it's as if there's quiet before the storm.."
Lady Dimitrescu grimaces."...oh no."
I mumble.Karl has been working on his monsters for the war against Miranda...Could this be him finally trying to start it..?
"Its horrendous, but that's not why I've called you down to speak with me."
Lady Dimitrescu says."Well...what's the reason?"
I ask."(Y/n)...while i was going to the church to speak with Mother Miranda days ago, she had told me something that had startled me, it was of you..."
Lady Dimitrescu says."What about me?"
I ask."She spoke as if she needed you, she had been pushing me to find you and bring you to her, and now that I've found you...she's begun to stay silent, i have not even told her of your appearance in this castle, but she has stayed quiet to her demands."
Lady Dimitrescu says."...she knows I'm here?"
I mumble."No! Well...perhaps? I'm not all too sure, the Village has become silent, Heisenberg is planning something and Mother Miranda has practically become a ghost."
Lady Dimitrescu says."Why are you telling me this?"
I ask."...with Heisenberg and Mother Miranda becoming as they are, i think its fit for you to stay here...permanently."
Lady Dimitrescu says.Permanently...? But I have to go...I need to go! Karl needs to be warned and we need to leave...how will i manage that if I'm stuck here??
"Lady Dimitrescu, this is....a lot."
I mumble."Im aware you may not like this, but what else may you do? Heisenberg is not a safe person, Mother Miranda has questionable reasons towards you, and the Village is a silent deathly place, if you'd stay here...you'd be safe."
Lady Dimitrescu explains....something in the pit of my stomach makes me want to run right out the door...just because Ben is warm doesn't mean Ben is safe, maybe i should leave quickly...
...no, if i didn't listen to my head a day ago, I'd still be with Karl, that's on me..i won't risk worse than last time by following my gut feeling. Lady Dimitrescu is kind towards me and Ben...i'm not fucking this up.
I say, she smiles softly and pats my head."You've made the right decision, i assure you...oh, i feel overjoyed by this.."
Lady Dimitrescu coos."Thank you for saving me and Ben, who knows what would've happened if you didn't find us in the snow."
I say."Oh, darling, you need not worry of that ever happening..you are safe as long as you are with me, my daughters will be ecstatic to hear this news apon their awakening."
Lady Dimitrescu says.I don't like the feeling in my stomach that says to run...but i do like knowing we're safe.
???? POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There's nothing around this place but rotting corpses...disgusting, but useful for saving bullets. then again, scans above this place showed a lot of moving figures...they couldn't have all disappeared, i need to be on high alert.
"Damn this mud.."
I mumble, stepping through the soft grounded terrain...im more glad that i wore the combat boots, even though i never take them off for missions.I stop at the middle of the village, staring at the areas in the distance...i'm going to need to search this place down if i want to be sure I'll find this 'secret bioweapon'...there's four places far off in the village, bigger than all of these small houses.
A house covered in moss standing on top of a cliff.
A tall windmill sticking out near a clearing.
A giant warehouse-like place that seems to be farther than the other places.
A large castle perched on a mountain.
...where would this thing go? It could be intelligent, so it wouldn't be sticking out in this place...it would hide if it saw, heard, or even smelled me coming, so it would have to be in one of these places...the bigger places would be easier to hide in, but the smaller places would be easier to escape if i got to them.
..i'll check them in the order i spotted them in. whenever i leave them, I'll bust the houses down, it can't hide from me if i destroy anywhere it could hide out at...

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...