Her Blood

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She walked through the luminous and lazy corridors of her castle. She couldn't hear a voice, the ghost of her children etched across her tympanum.

Do less harm.

She stopped and stared back at the moon.

Do less harm.

Her gaze turned ablaze with a writhing scrutiny, untill she found her corneas glassed with an agonous salty fluid and her lips bitten to blood.

Do less harm.

She tatsed her own blood, so bitter and rudy- and could feel it linger in her throat stabbing her heart.

But then she realised something - that maybe her children might have tasted the same.


PS.I know I have almost deserted this place. But this popped out of nowhere, and its really small so please bear with me.
I have got tests and stuff and all tge things going on. I am trying to accommodate with a new environment, but I shall surely come back soon.

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