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Satyavati curled her fingers around the pearls in her hands, maybe for the last time. Maybe with the dawn, she won't be able to sparkle with the same smile she has worn like a forget-me-not.

His Majesty, Shantanu- her husband, her love was lying on his bed, almost short of his breath every other hour. For now, for some reason he was laying still, blinking his eyes, seeing something which was invisible to her.

 He was farsighted, not myopic like her.

He had seen a lot of things already, which were still unknown to her. 

She had laughed on this mystery, but now she couldn't.

'Do you love me?' The question had lurked around her mind, since her first day of marraige, after all those conditions her father had kept- she thought love would find congestion in their alleged social declaration.

'If ever, you would know. Yes.' He let out a sigh, his eyes filled with tears. 'It feels like dreaming my life on a memory roll, and I can't hurt you more Satya, I wish I hadn't agreed with your father.' he completed, throwing the heaviness of the stones from his heart.

If Satyavati could carry the weight instead.

Satyavati's voice wriggled in her throat, like a bee dieing in a pitcher- unable to get out. 

'The first day I met you' Satyavati tried smiling, but Shantanu won't look at her. For a moment she was disappointed but then she thought it was anyday better if it provided her husband with a bit more solace. ' I went home, and contrary to my routine, tried using eucalytus and pine oil for my bath, I wanted to smell different, maybe nicer.' She left out a watery chuckle. 

Silence lingered for a few minutes, until Satyavati decided to wait for her fate alone.

'And that day I told you to not do that again, because it kills your essence. Honestly, don't take offence' he tried to give out a small laugh, but then he didn't want to cough 'you still smell of fishes.' 

Satyavati, who nearly sprang at his recollection, took his hand and carressed the coldness of his veins, the smell of death and separation. 

'I am so so sorry..' She whisphered and tried listening to his hmm, but maybe it was the last pulse of his heartbeat.

His faded acceptance
Her faded apology!

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