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Note- Continuation of Savoir-Faire

Draupadi chided herself as she observed a marked discomfort on the faces of the Brahmin's on her un-guarded scrutiny.

As she was about to serve Arjun, a voice as deep as the thunder of the cloud made her shiver in its sheer unexpectedness. 'Pranaam Panchal Kumari!'

Bheem shot a glare, to the crown prince of Hastinapur - who happened to be their cousin, and of course who dreamt of bathing in the blood of his family. 

Although Duryodhan knew Bheem was dead, and the glare - as deadly as Bheem's didn't take its regard in his subconsciousness. He was too busy to observe the Princess in white, who had generously awarded free attention to his hail.

'Pranaam. Any problem?' Draupadi was busy. And when she was, she didn't like to be disturbed. Period.

'Oh! I see you are new into mannerisms Princess, why do you do such menial jobs, when you could better attend to some royalty!' Duryodhana's words mocked Draupadi and the Pandavs were shooting daggers already. 

Can we kill him?

No.- Kunti had her head bent again.

Death is better than the illness.
In the former at least you no more experience any pain.

'The prince needs to know that Panchal's tradition won't compromise with menial(Royal) whims!' She did press on menial for the joy of her heart, but at that point, Bheem and Arjun did want to clap and dance in the background.

'You are too proud Princess!' Duryodhan's discontent was visible although he tried to maintain a cool facade. Not long ago Dushasan had taken a place as a loyal companion and was eyeing Draupadi in every way that infuriated Yudhistir in a wrong and special way.

Can we kill them?

maybe- Kunti had her bent down, but she felt her demeanor changing.

'My father won't hold you in an honorable position in the war-field Prince (Whose name I still don't know and don't give a flying rat's ass as well!). Anyways it shall be amiable for you to proceed and let me do my work.' Draupadi rolled her eyes and filled Arjun's glass with the utmost attention. She smiled again.


Why the hell this guy still eyed her?  She slyly looked at Dushasan.

Can I kill him?'Bheem asked, to Draupadi this time. He eyed him with her.
Maybe  Draupadi just passed a pressed smile to such an enigmatic concern she had never experienced.

'You are perfect to be Hastinapur's Queen.' Duryodhan announced and at this point not only Draupadi stood up again, but Kunti shot ahead too.

can I kill him? Thought Kunti. Of-course, her sons complied.

'Your elder shall be the king.' Draupadi wished he had one. Such insolent gimmicks can't be kings. 

'He's dead. All of them!' Duryodhan mumbled in furry and was driven away in contempt. 

'I hope I don't get married to him. And I hope his elder gets a wife faster- and drive him away from the possibilities of being the King.' Draupadi mumbled to herself but was heard equally by the family of six.

'How do you know that they are alive?' Kunti asked the princess who had known the truth all along- maybe coincidentally?

'Just guessing Mata, I seriously don't think his planning can get any successful, seeing his IQ.' Draupadi smiled but it vanished.

The five Princes and their mother.
all burnt without notice.

The five Brahmins with their mother.
All of them, in front of her - without notice.

Lovely isn't it? She smiled at their confused faces.

She wished that she could have cracked Duryodhan better. Maybe, somebody could have had better fun!


I don't know what the hell I just wrote.

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