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Sahdev's eyes followed the stars with a hidden infatuation. He looked at the night sky to forget himself. It never changed. Whether they were exiled beggars or famous princess the only thing constant was this magnanimous view of giants that looked small to them.

Draupadi sat away, across the tulips and lilies, their spacious balcony supported. 

Betel leaves, lime, areca nut and a paste made out of the acacia tree, rested in her fingers. Draupadi fiddled with the ingredients, like a pro and made the pan Sahdev liked the most. 

'You know Drau, looking at the stars is like travelling back in time. You see something which has already occurred. This luminous heat has already left these giant bodies as they travel light years to reach our eyes.' Sahdev continued to explain his limerance to his lady-love.

Draupadi found it amusing enough. Of course, she could make sense but a different story popped up in her mind. 'Arya, back in Panchal we used to believe in something.' She started. Sahdev's eyes travelled to her lips- as he nodded for her to continue.

'Stars' Drauapdi's voice changed to a serene baritone Sahdev loved 'are the peepholes for our loved ones who are no more with us.' She looked up in the sky. 

Sahdev shook his head, but he couldn't smile.

Didn't time travel mean the same thing?
Maybe his mother Madri and father Pandu were there all this time, looking at them! 

'They keep vigil' Draupadi added seeing Sahdev's eyes roll across the sky. 'And of-course guide us.'

Was he searching for someone?

'I agree.' Sahdev's voice felt heavy.

What was this vulnerability? Why was he getting so bare to such emotions?

Draupadi walked towards her youngest husband. She wore her payal which made a jingle in the solitude they sat in. Opening up her husband's lips with her finger she placed the Pan she had made with love. 'I know you think of them.' She said as she signalled him to keep his head in her lap.

Sahdev kept mum for minutes. And there was Draupadi, humming a tune, ruffling his hair.

Maybe this time, they both looked at the sky.

'They are, of course, keeping vigil.' Sahdev spoke 'But you remain the centre of candescence in my life.'

and burning.

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