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Satyavati lay on her bed in a grand scented chamber of Hastinapur. She closed her eyes and let herself dissolve in oblivion. If that would happen.

If in any way the King of Hastinapur- Dhritrashtr could take his taunts and talks back. 

She tried feeling the smell of fish and water, that had been a routine a lifetime ago. The lifestyle she had left behind as if shedding her skin. The way, she and her father had enjoyed bonfires and fried fishes.

Life was sunny and warm before King Shantanu came in the picture, and after he did, it was blazing with fire. First numb and surprising and then just painful!

Satyavati saw Bhishm take the ultimate vow.
She saw her husband die.
She saw her son Chitrangad on the death bed, at an unripe age and then Vichitrvirya following suit before the crown adorned his head.
She saw her grandsons grow, away from her arms, when she was still busy in god knows what stuff.
And then finally saw Pandu- leaving. The son who was the king, the righteous one. The one who made her chuckle on the shadow of Shantanu's glories.

In her life, regrets held a special place. She had it in every walk of life. As for now, her status is reduced to this small chamber, which looked large on the first glance.

'Hail the Rajmata!' Bhishm entered her chamber.

'You didn't forget me, did you?' Satyavati asked.

'No. I can't.' Bhishma looked at the perplexed state Satyavati wandered inn.

Satyavati smiled at her step-son's endurance of nuisance.

What if she had stopped him that day, that fateful day?

'I promise you Bhishm. You will!' Satyavati looked at the confused eyes of Devvrat.
And then she ridiculed herself.

 Maybe, he just agreed, like he always does.

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