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NOTE/Summary: This is a completely fictitious situation. The Pandav brothers sit with their mother Kunti to eat the Brahman Bhoj at Panchal, before Draupadi's swayamvar. And guess who serves the food? And of-Course a haughty Prince of Hastinapur crosses ways with the Panchal princess to get some befitting replies of his ill-thoughts! Of-Course the Pandav brothers become spectators to watch the fiery princess seek their revenge!


White wasn't her favorite color. But then she looked great in it- Priyamvada had regarded.

'Why do we walk so slowly always?' Draupadi had a bucket full of questions about so many things. When she saw little girls running blithely like the wind she wished that she could do that too. Why she had to be so mature so early in her days on earth? Wasn't it forced- extremely?

'Princesses need to be cautious! Here, take the jug- fill their glasses with water.' Priyamvada was the only personal maidservant who could give her real food for thought and talk at a stretch. Drishtdyumn was a gone case- he barely stood beside her for a talk on life.

I am busy - was his remark on being just days older into this mortal birth. Lovely! she would sigh.

Kunti sat with her head down. Maybe she was praying, or Yudhistir consoled himself. Bheem's eagerness did beat the gloom they all sat in, of course seeing so many known faces of revered kings and princes, they had met all their life- was a bit of difficult. Memories flooded, and maybe they could have been the part of a celebration- together?

Arjun didn't care much. They say that there is an archery-contest, he meant- Swayamvar. The price wasn't enticing, of course- unknown. His elder was unmarried, so there wasn't an option.

'Pranaam Mata!' Panchali's voice jingled in the ears of the small family of King Pandu who sat as deserted Brahmins. She filled the cup with a smile. Shooking her head she looked around.

People were busy.

'You are the only woman I see here. I can't tell you how bored I am!' Draupadi giggled to herself.
Kunti was a bit astonished by seeing the fire princess confessing her vanity to her. She smiled at her, and seeing their mother smile- the brothers already thanked the Princess who didn't look less than a goddess in disguise.

Nakul's excitement on the encounter was evident. 'Were you really born out of the fire?' Was his instant question. Sahdev slapped his shoulder for being childish, but Draupadi gave out a laughing shriek. 

'Princess?' Priyamvada was quick to her senses even if at a distance. 

'What?' Draupadi coughed out fake, to convince that it was nothing.

She stood up, smiling and Nakul sat all dejected on the resignation and Bheem shook his head on the absolute foolishness of his brother's wish to talk to a princess of such high order.

'Absolutely!' Draupadi surprised the rest of the group except Nakul, for whom she filled a glass of water. She bent and looked at him in the eye ' It has been a few days. Nothing much. I didn't make many friends. Although the world looks extremely normal.' She eyes the Brahmin for his exquisite facial features. And then she shook her head more.

 Nothing is right with these Handsome looking Brahmins, who looked like warriors.

They all looked down, immediately.
Gulping harder.

Everything was wrong with them- as Panchali wondered!

To be continued. (These drabbles shall have interconnected but a varied subject will be addressed both the times. In this its Drau's partial realization, in the next it shall be picked up from here to be taken forward)

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