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I was 45, and she may be, 25.

Amba stood in the court, curling up her lips in an unforgivable grin. Her hair open, her kohled eyes had already surrendered to a whirlpool of emotions. 'Marry me Devrat!' She said in a symphony, or maybe Bhishma had heard it all wrong. Satyavati stood up, abysmal to notice any more whims of the Princess of Kashi.

'Handle it!' Satyavati  had commanded, before leaving Bhishma alone in the room with the blazing flame, the princess signified. Did she even care about his vow?

'I can't' Bhishm's mind rushed wildly for the very first time in his life. His demure behaviour towards the princess had a spice of something enraging in his gut, which felt like a new feeling. 

Was he tilting?

'And why should I care, if you can or not?' Amba smiled. Her eyes carried a ghostly peace Bhishm wanted to be a part of. 

'I have vowed to be a celibate for my whole life.' Bhishm stated facts, which looked like the least bothe\red  things for the time being. The way Amba scanned him head to toe, was making him go weak on his knees.

The invincible warrior. The unfathomable destroyer of enemies- stood helpless.

Amba gave out a laughing shriek. It pierced the hall. And then Bhishm knew, that Amba had seen it all. His racing heart and the vigour in his veins was known to her.

'Devvrat. You are caught.' Amba mumbled, but it spread like a hushed whisper in the chamber as she moved ahead towards the man who seemingly looked clueless or maybe just BEMUSED.

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