Tranquil Brothers#5

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Tranquillity was no verb for Sahdev. He didn't practice it. It was an adjective, it defined him.

The most he could resonate with, was his eldest- Yudhitir. He would read texts, practice astronomy in some odd hour and talk about celestial bodies with Sahdev - maybe to please him in his expertise. But then Sahdev did value it. His other three brothers felt distant, their warfare skills were the talk of the town, so Sahdev too- became the owner of an axe. He loved his weapon just for the uniqueness of it, the probability of one and final.

either you are dead, or you are not.

Sahdev didn't express but it was irritating to keep quiet and not interfere and say- 'You're wrong.' He followed the rule of obeying his elders to some another level, that if not asked he really won't say a word.

And then they say- he was always quite. Or maybe he just wanted to be.

Political decisions and dates and amends were his department. He enjoyed his time at Indraprastha- doing what he liked, rather than doing what he liked to like.

Okay. enough of the brain.

Rolling down to heart, it was difficult. The most pampered son of Kunti- Sahdev - had a big problem opening up to women. Nakul was the heartthrob and others had come off age, leaving Sahdev in the clutches of newly-found sexual awareness.

'Me and you match in age, like perfectly !' Drauapdi had told him on their first meet. She was laughing, behaving as that girl-friend he never had. He thought her to be the most ripened fruit in his thoughts, but behind the doors, they were like those children- trying to define their prodigal images. Then she would share her prowness on economics, buying his heart and sealing it in a mutual deal forever.

Love had many forms for him. Brotherly, motherly, sisterly(Dushala was on talking terms with him- for the fact of being the youngest of their respective fathers.)

And then it was wife-ly. Maybe, the only cure to his tranquility.

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