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The eldest tested my temper,

Bheem swallowed my insult,

The Archer left me alone after shooting the target,

And the elder twin made me sit on the horse, to abondon the reign,

Sahdev let me burn in scarce knowledge..

And then I still remeber I went around the fire 7 times, for 5 consecutive days- that I shall remain with you, however difficult it gets.

The eldest made me his queen,

Bheem avenged my insecurities-a flower and a murder- all that, a lover would suffice,

The Archer, apologized to my whims, married some Princess, but rejected a damsel,

The elder twin adored my hair with dandelion and lillys

And Sahdev fought for my pride in the most hopeless time

And then I still remember, the day of my first exile- I looked at each of them in disgust and pain- however wrong you 5 would do to me, I will stay by your side for the coming 7 lives.

Hope you guys liked it.
It's just something which came to my mind.it was a pretty large sketch to cover though.

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