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'Arya!' Draupadi called out Nakul. Shaitainik was doing a weird squirm in her lap. And Draupadi had a hard time deciphering the antics of her second son.

'Arya! look for your son now!' Draupadi's agitation made Nakul run an ounce faster.

'Your Highness.' Nakul sugared his words as Drauapadi's anger rested on her nose. She shook her head, clearly marking her disregard. 

'Baby! tada!!' Nakul jingled a toy made out of bells and decorative lamps. It mustered the air with a musical jingle as the newborn looked at his father's play with all his eyes. Draupadi could see two small teeth appearing in an almost toothless grin of Shaitainika as he danced to Nakul's music.

At this, she traced the sharp nose and the perfect jawline, her handsome son has inherited from an equally stunning father. The softness of his skin and the smell of infancy were the only few things she found different- which was again- equally devoured by both the parents.


'The way his breath hits my chest, I am done!' Nakul remarked dreamily as he lay his arms across the resting figure of his wife, between them, Shaitaink rolled in his slumber.

We made him- his mind relentlessly screamed in pride, and Draupadi heard it all!

'His breath has that magical odour of calmness and of-course childhood!' Panchali's remark had a longing. 

The childhood that never came her way.
Nakul nodded slyly at an alluded mention of his wife's glorious but incomplete past. He felt holding his small world together, in the realms of his arms.

'Wish then!' Nakul announced penetrating the orbes of the Queen, who already abandoned her titles at the threshold of his heart and the chamber they lay in. 

He might joke in open, but in all seriousness, he knew that he would fulfil any of her wishes.

'Not that I ask for stars and moons, but my lover- you have already fulfilled my favourite wish!' Draupadi was startled with the romanticism her own throat added to her thoughts.

The Aryaa NAKUL-effect.

'What is that?' Nakul questioned as he slowly ruffled his son's soft head. At this Drauapadi placed her hands over his, and planted a peck at his knuckles.

'Him' She alluded her mention.

Her husband or Her son.

Maybe both!


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