Tranquil Brothers#2

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(the women in my life)

Being loud was being extrovert.
Laughing is a sign of care-free-ness, right?

Bheem sighed. No, it wasn't. It was just to hide his fears.

How do you define fear?

For him, it was the need to look after his family. He feared that his closeness and proximity to his family will leave him senseless one day. He was loved, wasn't he?

He hoped, that when he ate from their plate, they won't hide their annoyance!
Don't sugarcoat. Don't ever.
He hoped that besides that, they would look at the ample food he would arrange before taking a small portion from them. They would, they should.

His mother Kunti, was one of the few influencers in his life. Her strong-willed nature was appreciated by him. But the diplomat, the circumstances had made her- wasn't his cup of tea. Her decisions didn't always gel well with his opinions, and he never-minded too.

Getting Draupadi married to all of them was her opinion too. And that was perfect for him.

He loved her for all the wrong reasons. Her fire was his incentive.

The wind he signified, blazed the fire higher, and higher and higher.

She was a puzzle to his hollowness. He has found solace in his second wife. Panchali.
Hidimba had taught him to love. She had taught him that love bore fruits.
But Panchali had taught, that those fruits were just a minuscule of the enormous ocean they could create.

Solace, mist, warmth, a fence to stay safe- that was love. So when she expressed herself loudly, he thought that he was the only one for her. Sometimes when she cried on his shoulder, baring the rest of his brothers, he knew that he was special.

She was his light- the guidance, and he, the tranquil sailor in an ocean of responsibilities.

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