Tranquil Brothers#4

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4 was no special number and neither was being 5 minutes elder to the youngest could reap him a special status. It wasn't as if he was demanding something, but then children had the habit of counting things they got at hand.

Old, flaky memories of mother Madri, clouded Nakul's mind. She was as milky as he and his twin were. But then her image was infamous for her vanity, her beauty, which had turned into a vice- deep in her heart.

Nobody remembered the purity with which she sang a lullaby for her tiny tots.

So when people called Nakul the most handsome he had a mixed opinion about that. The inherent quality he possessed was something he was proud off, but scared too. What if people think- Like mother like son. He didn't have a problem, but then all their hardships were a result of a broken promise and an abysmal curse, wasn't it?

Nakul's sword bore victory in the south. When he returned with all the rewards, it felt less in Arjun's comparison. But nevertheless his elder, always hugged him equally tight.
And that was a blessing indeed.

He loved animals. When Kunti would ruffle Sahdev's hair, he would match the sound with the rustle of a sparrow's nest. He didn't tell, but he did visit a snake regularly until eventually, it had died. He didn't say a word. What would people say?

And then came the horses. Again an inherent affinity. His mother's kingdom did possess the best of the breed. Swet, Chandan, Ruchi, Manu- all his horses had a name. Bheem laughed at his vague practice on etymology, back at Inderprasth, but Panchali just smiled.

She would be there feeding the horses with him early morning during 'their days'. He would look at her- hair in a loosened braid, her nose piece hanging away, and feet and hand in mud. That's how she looked, and that's when he knew that finery and velvets didn't beautify her but just hid her real charm. 'It's about the horses' She would say, and Nakul shall shake his head a bit dejected 'and of course, about the caretaker.' Draupadi would chuckle at her remark, before moving back to him and taking away his breath.

PS. I am actually violating the word limit. Oh god ! there is so much to write. 

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