The Elder Siblings

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Suthanu sat with her eldest brother, their backs joined at an obtuse angle, with the rain tipping on the grassy courtyard of Panchal.

The rain offered a meloncholic symphony to the duo's ears. There was fog and a wave of chilly air that nurtured their turbulent hearts.

Their hearts were always turbulent. The absence of parenthood could never be filled either by his natural patience or her characteristic cheery nature.

They were both petulant. They enjoyed this one commonality in consciousness. A better word for their actions might be "indiffernce". They preferred ignorance over anger. But little did people know that once they were together, all alone, joined at the bay, they weren't really the people who resided in worldly conduct.

Away from their younger siblings, Suthanu believed that she loved peace much better. That making others feel nice and happy was not her job. That she would rather look at scrolls and then at the sky and snort like her elder without a second doubt.

And Prativindhya, for once was vulnerable with his fears. Spitting dry humor on fate and looking less keen to get up and do the job first or set the example.

"You get a strand of grass for me." Prativindhya ordered, with his tone touching the texture of air.

"I wish." Suthanu giggled and closed her eyes tight to see a wide expanse of red slowly diminishing into eigengrau.

A silence lingered and her eldest resorted to a stone in vicinity and started drawing caricatures of no particular descent.

"Do you ever..." Suthanu's voice drifted into something unrecognizable.  It felt like an unfinished mirthless whimper of longing.

"I think of it everyday. " Prativindhya answered. "Not that the heartbreak is going to make our siblings more bearable" he gave a sudden chuckle as Suthanu covered her mouth with her hands.

He was talking about their parents and it felt that her river of thought decided to fall off his voice box.

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