The Gathering Darkness

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"And now, born from the ashes, she's a warrior in bloodied black."  ― Amie Kaufman

Alora glared at Blixen as he settled back on his haunches and appeared to think about what she had just said.

"Go!" She hissed. With one last disgruntled look, Blixen turned and, grumbling beneath his breath, trotted off into the treeline.

I think I liked it better when he was more subservient.

Alora watched him go and then managed to get to her feet while eying Alderon. Her common sense was at war with her need to take care of him, she had never let Loki stand around saddled and bitted after a day of riding.

Maybe that was the key. Maybe she just care for him.

Her common sense though cautioned her that he was just waiting for that one perfect opportunity to kick her in the head. And while she was able to function with her side burning like a brush fire out of control, she seriously doubted she would be able to continue on with half of her head caved in.

"All right big fella...let's get all of that off of you."Her voice was soft but Alderon didn't appear fooled. He watched her, head low, ears still and pointed. She reached out one trembling hand and stroked the soft fur of his face. Abigor had said he was fettered, which should mean he wouldn't cave her head in or trample her while she slept but...knowing that didn't make her feel any more secure around him. As quickly as she could,she stripped the saddle and bridle off of him and set them aside.

One thing about him, she didn't have to concern herself with tethering him. He stayed close by, walking his maddening circles and she had the sinking feeling that he would never wander off simply because he knew how badly she wanted him to. But maybe she wasn't being fair. Alora knew a bit about fettering but it was mostly people, she didn't know animals could be fettered in this manner as well.

It won't hurt me to be kind to him.

And maybe that was the key. She just needed to show him that she could take care of him and make him comfortable and prove to him that she was an avid treat dispenser once he grew to trust her. Her hands moved over him, scratching his coat vigorously with her nails, loosening all the sweat and dirt. He was a beautiful horse, no doubt about that.

I just need to take better care of him She decided, as she dug a hoof pick out of her saddle bags and picked up one platter-sized hoof to clean. Alderon stood, rock-still,one eye rolled back but she ignored him, intent on her job of getting him cleaned up.

If only he wasn't white

So far, he hadn't indulged himself in a good healthy roll but she knew it was coming. She picked up his left front hoof and secured it between her knees, her back to his head. Loki had had big hooves but his were pony-sized in comparison to Alderon's, and Alora frowned at all the impacted grass and stone.

I need to start cleaning them out more, he'll get a stone bruise, I don't need that

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