A Magical Elixir

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"Scotch whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel's nipples."
― Warren Ellis

Gre's face suddenly loomed under the table and Islinn caught the begrudging tone. Slowly, she crawled out from under the table and stood up, wiping her hands on the front of her tunic. The woman with the tangled snarl of colored teeth laughed loudly and clapped her hands.

"What's your name? I'm Ryleen. Ryyy-leeennn..."

Islinn stared at her, quiet. Gre started to speak up but Ryleen quickly shushed him.

"No! I wanna hear her talk..."

Islinn glanced longingly at the floor beneath the table. She'd been dismayed at having to be under there a few moments ago but now she wished she were under there still. Gre may not have noticed, and she knew Aubery hadn't, but the noise in the tavern had changed. It had gone from men yelling for ale and bragging to whistles and catcalls. She didn't want to be on display.

(a broken one...on display)

Islinn pursed her lips and stayed quiet. Ryleen appeared to regard her as some kind of mindless doll that apparently couldn't understand simple words or names. She watched as Ryleen looked at Gre, who was busy staring at Ryleen's large breasts.

"Can she speak? What's wrong with her?"

Gre dragged his eyes away and looked at Islinn, then jutted his head towards Ryleen.

"Go on; tell her."

The sooner she got this over with, the better.

"Islinn." She said with a frown. Ryleen squealed and beamed, as she reached out a hand to pat Islinn's head. Islinn's frown grew larger. Ryleen's large hand closed around her forearm and Islinn found herself mashed against Ryleen's more than ample bosom.

"And so pretty! Look at that face!" Ryleen crooned as ran a hand through Islinn's hair. Her hand paused in its stroking and Islinn saw a fleeting expression on the woman's face she didn't understand. Ryleen looked at Gre.

"Islinn...that name's familiar. You ever brought her here before?"

Just as quickly as she had asked, Ryleen shook her head.

"No,no you haven't. I'd remember her if you did, "Ryleen answered her own question. "She belong to you?"

"No. She belongs to Behrin," Gre replied as he looked at Islinn. Islinn could tell by his expression that he wished he were the one snuggled up against Ryleen's breasts. "We're just returning her to him."

"She belongs to me." Aubery paused from his splinter picking and gazed at Ryleen, his eyes cold. Islinn felt Ryleen stiffen.

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