In Your Love, My Salvation Lies

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   "When I've lost all care for the things I own,that's when I miss you.."--Murdoch

 Aubery’s brute stupidity would never cease to amaze Gre.  He bolted forward and yanked the boy away by locking an arm around his neck. A pause ensued—Gre would have thought it was hesitation if he hadn't known Aubery better—before the boy erupted in a kicking, squirming maelstrom of anger.

 “Let her go.” Gre bellowed.

He sounded a lot tougher than he felt. Through Aubery’s wildly flailing limbs, Gre saw Islinn slump over and for a moment he wondered if he’d waited just a moment too long. His stomach clenched helplessly. Even with Aubery’s tantrum, the moment stilled for Gre.

 Nothing moved; nothing called.  Everything narrowed down to the small form lying on the floor.  His eyes zeroed in on the slight movement of the girl’s chest as she drew a breath and he closed his eyes briefly as a racking cough shook her body.  It was nothing but a weak, tired stutter but he was fiercely glad to hear it.

“Brede willing,”  He thought feverishly.  “Brede willing.”

Islinn raised her head and stared at him, full-on, and Gre blushed for the first time in years. His wonderful sense of relief faded away as he came to the realization written in Islinn’s eyes that she knew exactly what he’d prayed for.

  That quick fervent prayer was in thanks for saving his own ass because Behrin’s first question would be where was Gre when Aubery, his golden boy, had gone over the edge and strangled his favorite slut.  His face burned.

Well, he’d never been one to bend a knee for others.

  He gave her a sick grin and looked away.

“Let me go, you drunken fuck!|  Aubery raged.  Gre simply tightened his armlock around the boy’s neck.  Tightened it more than he needed to, actually. He listened to Aubery choke with only half an ear.  All of it didn’t seem real to Gre.  And what that told him was he’d never really expected to lay eyes on Islinn again. Yet here she was.  And he was painfully aware of just how unprepared he felt.

Islinn coughed again and raised one hand to her neck.  Her eyes were still on him as she struggled to her feet.  He tried to look back but couldn’t.

 “It’s all right, Gre,” Her voice was a nothing but a raw whisper.  “You don’t know any better.”

And Gre had no answer to that. With a bellow, he tossed Aubery from him like so much discarded garbage.   The boy fell but bounced back onto his feet, lightning fast.

A shriek of mingled anger and rage bled from his lips as he started for Gre, his arms crooked and high, fists knotted.  Gre braced himself but Aubery stopped.  Gre knew the boy didn’t want to. It was evident in the way Aubery leaned forward, nothing but a taut package of hatred and motion but he stopped nonetheless.  Gre remained silent and raised one arrogant eyebrow.  He figured it would be enough to get the fire going again but he was wrong. 

Aubery’s furtive gaze moved over to Islinn.  He slowly walked towards her.  His approach reminded Gre of a wild horse taking its first few steps under saddle.  There was going to be a blow-up and when it came, it would be explosive.

“I asked you a question,” Aubery said as he stopped in front of Islinn.  “Where’s your lover?

Incredulously, Islinn smiled.  She shook her head once and Gre saw just a bit of the girl who’d gone up against Behrin from time to time.  He’d admired it then.  But now it would get her killed.  Every muscle and nerve in his body tightened.  It was not the time to have it out with Aubery, though a part of him wanted to, badly. 

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