Death From Above!

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"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood."--Curie

Alora turned and remounted Alderon. She frowned as the stallion skipped to the side and forced her to take several painful hops before settling in. She crooked one leg across her saddle and watched the thing she'd created slowly lurch its way down towards Lochedge. Like an animal caught in a trap, the pain and madness of Alain would drive Darius to his death. But until then...he belonged to Alain.

With an indifferent wave of her hand, the earth reclaimed its own and the surrounding silence became natural. No more whisper and hush. She gazed up at the moon's sterile glow. It was so far away. Her heart ached. Everything was so very far away. The distance between herself and what she thought to be real was beyond her comprehension.


Blixen leaped and awkwardly grabbed the bottom of her stirrup with one hand. He climbed up and perched on her knee and frowned as she ignored him.


He stamped a sharp hoof and she glanced down slowly, her eyes damp.

"The way this soul breaks my heart..." She whispered. Her voice trailed off and

she looked again at the moon. Blixen snorted and scratched a horn.

"" I brought you food."

She glanced down at him with a suspicious expression.

"What is it?"

He shrugged and held out the blackened meat.

"Don't know," He replied. "Found it in what was left of the tavern. Could be pork."

She took it. Sniffed.

"Could be beef," He reflected and scratched at his nether regions. She ventured a cautious bite, chewed, and swallowed.

"Could be a villager. Don't really know."

Alora choked and, leaning over, spat out the crispy meat then groped frantically for her waterskin.

When would she ever learn?

"Apparently not soon enough." She thought as she struggled not to think about what she might have just eaten.

Blixen whooped and slapped his knee.

"Gotcha!" He rolled about, squeaking and laughing,as she hacked.

"You deserved that." He remarked as he got himself under control.

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