How Tiresome A Sober Wit

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"This is turning into an alcohol-will-cure-everything kind of day."--Kelly Moran

"Dontcha be worrisome about iffen they need their things, they can fetch 'em once ya got them settled in. Ya need some sort of special invite to do that???? And keep yore damned mouths shut 'bout whut I said 'bout them Guardians, hear me?" Janus's voice reached a new strident level. Both of the boys quickly nodded and started to lead the horses away.

Gre was still bewildered by the hidebehinds.

Refuge used to be a town where the only thing anyone had to worry about was a knife between the ribs or a challenge to draw down with swords, something he never truly worried about because he was good with both.


It reminded him of The Twiceborn. Gre glanced out of the Livery doors, and into the tumultuous streets. The Drowsy Dragon seemed extremely far away.

"What about during the day," He asked as he watched all the people passing by. "Seems they'd be out, what with the sun high up and shining like it is."

"Nah,they're night things. I don't know whur they go during the day, and I don't really care. Whut I do know is they've cut my business back quite a bit. S'why I gotta ask fer so much coin fer my stalls. I lost my night trade. How long ya planning on stayin?"

"Until Behrin gets here, I suppose." Gre replied, still looking out the Livery doors at the mass of people. Janus nodded and let his eyes settle again on Islinn.

"Well...luck to ya. If yer wantin to keep her with ya, I advise ya hang on to her tight out there in the market."

"Thanks" Gre replied. It was advice he did not need; he'd already figured out it wasn't going to be easy.

"Come on, Aubery."

Aubery silently brought up the rear as they stepped out and into the reigning chaos of the streets. It was worse on foot as people jostled by, and Gre found it difficult to stand in one place and not be carried along in the frantic wake.

"Where to, Gray?"

Gre caught a whiff of Aubery's fetid breath as he leaned in close to make sure he was heard.

Good question.

Gre looked left and right as he struggled to keep his balance against the jostling crowd. He grabbed Islinn's forearm and felt her other hand clutch his sleeve.

"Well...when in doubt...go with everyone else I guess." Gre said and took a gigantic step, allowing himself to be pushed along with the crowd. Planks had been laid down to combat the mire from shop to shop but the center of the marketplace was nothing more than a mud pit.

Children ran back and forth, screeching, and slinging mud balls at each other, some of them completely coated in muck. Gre caught a glimpse of a cockfight going on, the bettors filthy with mud, the two roosters brown and indistinguishable. He took in the sights as he was pushed along with the crowd, one hand firmly gripping Islinn's arm as he pulled her along as well.

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