Blessings Against The Thunder

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"Come home...and oh by the way...don't you know that I can make a dream that's barely half-awake come true?"—Til Tuesday

A chittering noise exploded from the brush, loud enough to wipe the good-humored grin off of Abigor's face.

"Good. It's Blixen." Alora thought.  Things had most definitely deteriorated if she felt actual relief at hearing the noisome goblin. She was glad for the distraction though.  The pain in her side was so intense she'd reached a point where she could hardly lay still. 

The dark sphere of presence known as Abigor was difficult to be near for a long period of time, especially as weak as she was.  Like a lunatic spur, what he was pressed heavy on anyone that stood near him or simply passed him in the night.

  Alora knew him only as a darkly gleeful entity that enjoyed excess.  He could turn tears to tantrums,pain into agony, fear into horror, and grief into death simply by standing nearby. She closed her eyes. She was shaking.  Her pain had heightened. It washed over her in slow deep waves, and her head was thick and muzzy.

Hoping to avoid any more of Abigor's attention, she rolled onto her back and felt a sickening drag and pull as she situated herself on the hard slab. Her vision doubled for a moment as something within her spun then settled into place behind her eyes.

Her head gave a warning thump and she quickly turned her head, thinking she was going to be sick.  The feeling passed and she was able to concentrate on watching Blixen as he tumbled out of the brush,followed by several other goblins dragging a large burlap sack.

"M'lord! M'lord! We found one!"  Blixen jabbered gleefully as he raced to be the first one to reach Abigor.  Rook's staff found its way beneath his churning hooves and Blixen became airborne. He landed in an ungainly sprawl on Abigor's boots.

With a scowl, Abigor instinctively kicked him aside. The goblin's oily musk left a distinct imprint on one of his boots.  Blixen hit the ground but managed to agilely dodge out of the way as one of the table goblins took a swipe at him.  He bounded to his feet with a scowl.

"Alora."  He bobbed his head primly at her.  She could just see him.  Gritting her teeth she moved her head closer to the edge of the table.

"Blixen." She replied with equal gravity.

The little goblin sat back on his haunches and pulled on himself with a disgruntled hand.

"I was the one who saw him," He quickly confided.  "Rook and Flicker were off beating the bushes but it was Borys and I..."

He paused to snatch up a grub worm off the ground.  Dropping it into his mouth, he chewed noisily before continuing his story.

"...well,mostly me, that saw him and snatched him.  Rook may have knocked him out with his staff so we could bag him but I was the one..."

He stopped and gazed up at Alora with anxious drippy eyes.

"And how are you feeling?"  He inquired.  Alora caught a very vague note of concern.

"I've felt better."  She managed.

Blixen's eyes fell on the mass of bones and he stared avidly as flies buzzed and droned around their latest find.

"Lock horns with Abigor?"  He questioned innocently.


"Tell me that's not Yzebel."

"Unfortunately not."

"Where is my adored one?"

Blixen's voice was just insolent enough for Alora's ears yet fawning enough in the event Yzebel was nearby.

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