The Edge Of Darkness

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"I want God to play in my bloodstream the way that sunlight amuses itself on water."--Gilbert

Reluctantly,Alora made her way over to the cellar door.  She opened it and peered down the rickety steps into the blackness below.  There was a faint glow emanating from below but she knew as soon as she closed the door she wouldn’t be able to see a thing.  It wouldn’t take very much for her to tumble down, of that she was certain.

A sickly sweet yet sour aroma drifted up from the darkness and Alora’s mouth flooded with saliva as her stomach hitched.  Again, she leaned over and propped her hands just above her knees and tried to breathe through her mouth.  For a quick moment, she thought she could actually taste the smell and that was her undoing.

Everything came up in a bitter rush, burning her throat and causing her eyes to water.  Dimly she heard the liquid splattering down the steps and her sense of humor was still intact enough to think how it would look if the great Twiceborn slipped on her own vomit, fell down the stairs, and broke her neck.

She straightened up and wiped a shaky hand across her mouth.  Behind her, she heard the familiar sound of people frantically moving away from her and the ever popular mumbles of “oh, fuck” as they fully realized what had just happened.

She did feel a little bit better though.  In spite of the slimy taste still in her mouth. She walked back over to the water barrel and rinsed her mouth out than spat unceremoniously on the floor.  She poured more water over her head and took a few deep breaths.  All of this could not be over soon enough to suit her.

“I need candles.” She stated as her eyes settled on Lauren, who stood behind the bar with his hand clasped tightly over his own mouth.  She watched him as he began to frantically dig about in a box below the bar. 

Several of the tavern patrons also looked a bit green around the gills, she noticed, as she walked back over to the cellar.  Hooking the underside of the cellar door with her boot, she lazily fanned it back and forth. The aroma wafted up the stairs and out into the tavern.

“Here.”  Lauren shoved several candles into her hand and retreated. Alora fanned the door harder.

“Could you light one of these for me?  I’d hate to fall down the steps.”  She asked sweetly.  A stout man seated near the bar suddenly bowed over and the sound of his retching brought a smile to her lips.  Lauren lit a candle from a nearby lantern and thrust it at her with a shaking hand.

“Anything else?”  His voice was hoarse.  Alora studied him for a few moments then shook her head.

“No,I think that’s all.”

She quietly shut the cellar door behind her and Lauren had just enough time to take two steps towards the main door and imagine the fresh air outside before Alora re-appeared, along with the noxious odor from the cellar.  Again,she hooked her boot beneath the door frame and lazily played it back and forth.

“My coin.  Don’t forget to tell Darius he’d better pay me.”  She said as she leaned against the door frame.

Lauren waved a hand at her.

“I won’t forget, I promise I won’t. Is that all?”

Alora thought a moment.

“Yes.  I think so.”

Again, she closed the cellar door.

“Lauren!  Ain’t you got any scents to spread about?  I can’t take this damnable stink!”  

Several other drinkers mumbled in agreement and Lauren dug deeper beneath the bar and came up with a stoppered flask of scent the scullery wenches used to freshen the rooms.  He hastily sprinkled some about.  The room filled up with the cloying smell of flowers and rot.

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