Count Your Blessings Against The Thunder

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"Sometimes a shadow wins..."--Sara Bareilles

His sword was nothing but a blur of silver as he stepped forward and swung. An easy swing, accompanied by an easy smile that silently told her it was the least of what he could do. And it was only the beginning. She could see nothing but silver as the blade flashed and caught the sunlight. Abigor advanced, casually slashing from side to side as he drove her back but Alora wasn't fooled. The casual smile on his face was for the night hags but his eyes told a different story. Gray and black with sparks of red. Raw and hungry. Nothing but color stripped down and his flat stare reminded her of the wolves that would come down out of the Sotto Mountains in the winter with their flat bellies and the insatiable need to be fed.

Somehow...some way...she deflected his blade with her own but the power behind his swings drove her off balance and she stumbled to the side.

He'd been holding back during the sparring.

She'd felt that block all the way up her arms and into her shoulders.

He had so much power.

There was no way she could match swords with him. Alora did the only thing she could. One quick glance told her he expected her to try and catch her balance and when she did, he'd be there. Waiting.

So she let herself fall. Fortunately it wasn't on her bad side and she was able to roll and get back to her feet. But it cost her. Something pulled. The ache settled in hard, accompanied by a deep burn, but she was back up, both hands wrapped around the hilt of her sword.

With the grace of a dancer, Abigor spun and was back on her, pressing the attack. The chime of steel on steel rang across the clearing and Alora was driven back as she parried.

Two things were quickly made evident. She was already gasping, the air like liquid fire in her lungs and she knew she couldn't keep up the pace for very long. The other realization was she'd ventured into unknown territory. She had no idea how far Abigor would take this. As she side-stepped and lunged and parried, the faces of the night hags blurred in her vision but one thing she was sure of; they were frightened. They had no idea how far he would go either.


Sweat dripped into her eyes, burning and blurring her vision. Her arm was getting heavier and heavier and by the look on Abigor's face, he was well aware of that fact.

The pace was so fast, there was only time for action and reaction and Alora found herself on the defensive. For every step she lunged forward, he handily beat her back. All while wearing his infuriating smile. Alora's eyes rapidly ticked over each block, each parry,hoping for a mistake, some error that would allow her an opening but she saw none. He was that good.

She quickly moved back, hating her defensive position. She ducked and blocked as he moved confidently forward, smile intact.

"Why aren't you laughing now, Alora?" He asked, the words easily rolling off his lips.

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