The Shaming Of The Sun

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"When you told me you loved me,you saved the world."--Hocking

He had hunted them.

Alora staggered back from the table and fell into one of the ale casks lining the wall.  She was careful not to drop her trophy as she slid down into a crouch.  Alain’s sins swelled within the confines of her mind and a throbbing pain stretched its fingers over her entire scalp.  It was too much.  Way too much.

“Oh,this damnable cold.  So cold but I must wait, wait a bit longer.”

Alain’s fingers wrapping the robe about himself

Clothed as a priest, a man of the cloth,

Waiting and waiting for the children to show

Powerful sins, they played through her mind like a dream from which she could not awaken.  A milky haze slowly spread across the black of her eyes and she raised the pulpy organ to her mouth methodically as she gazed off into the distance.

A chant now followed by an odd,breathy giggle

“All this cold air,this chill

Wait for a small voice

And make her still

oh please god,let me make her still”

Over and over

Alain’s fingers wrapping around the hot flesh of himself beneath the robe,the hand moving back and forth slowly…building the moment and keeping warm until…

A flash of color in the trees, the little girl is wearing a ribbon in her hair…

And he smiles

He grins.

Time to make her still

Alora’s mouth flooded with a salty bitterness and on some dim level she knew it to be the taste of countless tears shed by the children and the ones who’d lost them to this madness.  And still she chewed  on.  A flair of pain in her chest caused her to moan as her own heart stumbled against the aberrant beat of Alain’s as she took it in. Took it all in.

He’s waited too long.  Too impatient,too eager.The costume of piety doesn’t matter.  He’ll just run her down.

Easy. So very easy.  Even with the robe hampering his steps and why this little bitch is out by herself he doesn’t know, doesn’t care.

 His gain, his treasure.

He still needs a trick though to shut her up.

The piercing screams brought the level of pain inside her head to a new level and Alora dropped to the cellar floor and rolled in the dirt like a sick dog. 

Hush now, just hush.  Brede has chosen you little lady, Brede has chosen and its you.  You’re the lucky one, you’re the chosen one, oh yes, yes indeed…

Not working. 

His hand grabs her neck. A simple matter to cut that noise off and it ruins it a little bit…

but only a little bit…

as he feels the small bones crunch like brittle leaves in his palm and watches the blood burst from her nose and eyes…

and he throws her on the frozen ground while he drops to his knees between her painfully small,thin legs

hurry,hurry…almost too late…

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