This Breath We Share, Beyond Sanity

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“I have never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.”--Thoreau

Aubery shuffled over and squatted down beside his horse’s front legs. 

“I don’t know what to look for, Gre.  You take a look.” 

There was a forlorn, pitiful tone to the boy’s voice and Gre found he had to physically restrain himself from reaching out and snatching the kid up and giving him a good shake.  Behrin would owe him one hell of a drunk if he got out of this alive.

You’ll die out there,Gre.”

 Hollis’ matter- of- fact voice floated through his head and he took it like a punch to the stomach. 

“Truer words were probably never spoken, my friend.” Gre thought morosely as thunder cracked overhead.

 He pushed Aubery aside and squatted down.  The chestnut stood motionless as Gre ran his hands down the animal’s leg.  There was no swelling or heat and, for a moment, he was baffled. 

Maybe just a wrong step.

He picked up the horse’s hoof and immediately saw the problem.  The smell alone told him.  He let go of the horse’s leg and stood up, giving the chestnut a conciliatory pat on the neck.  He looked at Aubery.

“I should wring your stupid little neck right now.” Gre said quietly.  Aubery’s lower lip trembled and he shot a quick glance at the horse.

“Why? What’s wrong with him?”

“Well…it looks like it started out as a stone bruise.  But now it’s filled up with fluid.  It’ll have to be drained out and packed.  Here’s what’s going to happen.”

Gre walked over to his gelding and mounted.  He couldn’t even bear to look at the chestnut as the horse stood with his head dropped down and rain running off the tip of his nose.

“You’re going to lead him into to Naldura.    And once you get there, take him to the Livery.”

Aubery’s eyes narrowed.

“What about you?”


Gre gave Aubery a small, disquieting smile.

“I’m riding on ahead.  On my good horse.  And leaving you here. I’ll see you in Naldura.”

Gre started to tighten the reins up to turn his own mount away when Aubery stepped up and blocked his path.  The boy hooked his hand through the bridle and the gelding pulled up short. 

“You can’t just leave me out here.”  Aubery’s eyes had a queer, calculating gleam that Gre decided he didn’t much care for.

“Ride me behind you, Gre. “ 

Aubery’s face twisted with a we’re-all-pals-here smile and his eyes were wildly hopeful. Gre studied him.  It was time to draw a line in the dirt with this little cock-knocker. Gre had known it was coming but he hadn’t figured on it being so soon.

“Why?  So you can cut my throat?  Let’s set a few things straight here,boy.”  Gre calmly said.  “You think I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground and maybe you’re right.  But what I do know is..”

“Is that you’re nothing but a played out old drunk, right?”  Aubery neatly finished the sentence.  He gave Gre a sour smile.

Gre shrugged.

“That very well may be.  In fact, you’re right, I’ll give you that.  A played out old drunk who cares about nothing but a tankard of ale.  You, on the other hand…”

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