You're The Love I've Always Known

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"We've got no where to go,I am yours and you’re the love I know.."--Jarosz

“How do you…fix it?”  Islinn ventured, her soft brown eyes worried.  She bit her lower lip.  Alora looked at her with a lazy smile.  Islinn’s blond hair was tousled and her bottom lip had begun to swell a bit in the corner.  Blood had dried on the side of her face, and crusted beneath her nose and across one delicate cheekbone and Alora thought she had never seen a more beautiful girl in her life as she lowered her head to kiss her.  The brush of Islinn’s tongue against her own elicited a soft moan from deep inside Alora’s throat and her arm tightened beneath the girl’s shoulder, pulling Islinn into her.

Alora kissed her long and slow, drawing back only when she felt Islinn turn her head.

“I’m afraid…” Islinn whispered.

“Don’t be...”  Alora breathed, as she ran her tongue across Islinn’s bottom lip with an exquisite gentleness.

“No, not like that…”Islinn stammered, breathless.  Alora paused and looked at the girl.

“I’m afraid of how this…makes me feel.” 

Alora looked at her, her dark eyes puzzled.  Everything about Islinn, from her pliant body to the desire in her eyes, told Alora how much the girl wanted her. 

 What was wrong now?

“Do you want me to stop?”  It was all Alora could think of to ask.

“No.”  Islinn quickly replied then blushed. “I’ve just…never really…wanted…anything. Not like this.  And after what Winnie said…I just didn’t think it would feel like…this.”

Alora frowned at the mention of Winnie.

“Winnie had her own reasons to say whatever she did.  Besides, she thought she had a new whore she could turn some coin on, is all.”

Islinn flinched at the word “whore.”

“Maybe.   But that’s her business.  I mean, it’s what she does.  I really don’t blame her for…”

Alora cupped Islinn’s breast with her hand and flicked her thumb over the erect nipple. 

“Do you really want to talk about Winnie right now?” Alora murmured.  Islinn gasped and shook her head.

Alora’s fingers slowly traveled over Islinn’s taut stomach and made their way down to the soft triangle between the girl’s legs.  Islinn jumped as Alora’s fingers slipped between her soft folds and found the small swollen nub nestled within.  Alora felt the girl’s breathing quicken.

“Just relax.” 

Islinn’s hand slipped through Alora’s dark hair and came to rest on the back of her neck.  The trembling touch was like fire against her skin and Alora clenched her jaw, as she watched the slow deliberate circle of her fingers.  Everything about Islinn  filled her senses and urged her on…the clasping hand on the back of her neck…the ragged quick breath and the twitching of the girl’s  muscles as she let the sensations created by Alora’s hand overtake her…yet Alora forced herself to stay calm. 

Because beneath the quickened breath, the slow, almost imperceptible rise of her hips to meet the motion of Alora’s fingers, and the soft whimpering that had begun in the back of the girl’s throat, there was still a lot of deep confusion that Alora couldn’t help but feel each time she stroked the girl. 

Now that I know what you like…and want…you can’t have it.

It bled through Islinn’s skin.  It was carried on each sharp exhale of her breath.  And even though Alora was a thief of many things, to take this moment away from Islinn who had never truly wanted anything in her life… was a sin she was not willing to bear. 

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