That Silence Between Moments

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“Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star."--Murikami 

  Alora was quiet. She was surprised she hadn't seen this coming. Of course that’s what the girl would think.  It was how she’d managed to stay in Behrin’s good graces and it had probably saved her life more than once.  Not to mention JoHan’s use of her blood for his thirsty god.  And Islinn’s father. Even though Alora’s heart was cold and her blood colder, she knew, from her strange sight, that Islinn’s father had inadvertently used the girl more than all the others combined.

 How carelessly love was treated when it was trusted to those who only needed.

“No.  I won’t use you, Islinn.” Alora replied quietly. “That was never my intention.”

Islinn nodded silently and picked at the hem of her nightshirt.  She didn’t appear convinced.

“Did Winnie say something to you?” Alora asked. 

Islinn ducked her head and the sudden flush of color to her cheeks was a mingled mix of shame and confusion.  Emotion, as foul and strong as the breath of a wild beast, rolled over Alora and she innately knew more than words had been exchanged.

“Islinn, what happened?” Alora tried again. 

Islinn crossed her arms around herself with a panicky tightness.  What had happened was over and done with, and besides, she was a slave.  It was the way of things.  Back at the settlement, buyers would come around and she’d watched the other female slaves be examined far more thoroughly than she had been. They’d dealt with it stoically and returned to their work immediately after.  Some of the girls closer to her age had enjoyed it.   The memory brought a new flush of color to her face.  She gave a quick shake of her head coupled with a slight shrug to indicate it was nothing but Alora wasn't put off so easily.

“Tell me what happened.”  Alora repeated.  She tried to keep her tone matter-of-fact but her slow growing anger kept her from succeeding. 

“She told me she wanted to buy me.  I didn’t really understand… a lot of what she says, I don’t get…” Islinn’s voice trailed off.

“Just tell me what she said.  I understand her pretty well, I think.”  Alora said dryly.

Islinn brushed back a spill of blond hair and the flames from the fireplace cast rippling shadows across her face.  Her fingers pulled and tugged restlessly at the nightshirt covering her arms.

“She said she wanted me for something called flash.”  Islinn said.

“Did she now.”  Alora replied.  She wasn't familiar with the term but if she had to go by Winnie’s lack of charm and her stable of “holes”, she could probably make a guess as to what it involved.

“She didn't tell you what that was?” Alora asked, her curiosity piqued. 

“In a way.  Something to do with being on both sides of a fence.”  Islinn replied, still a bit mystified by it all.

Now it was Alora’s face that flushed red. 

“I see.  Is that all she said?”

“Pretty much.”

“What else?”

Islinn helplessly shook her head.  She felt Alora’s black eyes hot against her skin and Winnie’s low-down voice suddenly ran through her mind explaining “how”.  The thought made itself to home and steadfastly refused to leave.  Her stomach clenched.

“Tell me.”  Alora demanded.  Chit-chat was not her strong point and she was becoming impatient.  Islinn frowned and looked towards the window and watched the rain beat steadily against it.  Her jaw tightened stubbornly.

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