The Definition Of Vexatious

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"In their place...came darker irritations.."--Burkemann

“Infection’s been drawed as good as it’s gonna.  I packed in some mint and tigero berries for the pain and swellin you’re still gonna have.  Ride ‘em light, don’t push him.   If ya do, you’ll be toddling on your own twos,  that’s for true.”

Gre nodded, as he studied the chestnut.  The horse looked better but he hated pushing an unsound animal.  Aubery though wouldn’t hear of staying another few days.  Also, Gre seriously doubted if Winnie would welcome the two of them back with open arms.  Gre had distinctly heard a few cheers after Aubery had pranced his skinny flanks out the door.

“You really oughtta stay another day or so.” The liveryman remarked, as though reading Gre’s mind.   “Make him sound.  Sides, Winnie’s got enough cunny to keep you busy til this heals up all the way.  Ain’t like ya will be just sittin and waitin, know what I mean?”

Gre nodded morosely. Yeah, he knew exactly what he meant.  He shot a glance towards Aubery, who was standing in the doors of the livery and staring down the road.

“Aubery…man says the horse could use another day or so…what about it?” 

Gre already knew the answer but the thought of a few more mugs of ale made him ask the question anyway.

Aubery scowled as he walked over and stood by Gre.

“I thought you said the horse was good.”  The strident tone brought a slight sneer to the liveryman’s face.  Gre recognized the look.  The faint curl of the lip , the flat stare, the stiffening of the spine…all signs Gre had come to recognize in others whenever Aubery was in the vicinity.

“Wellll…he’s still a bit peaky but like I was sayin to yore Pa here he can…”

“He’s not my boy.”  Gre interrupted.  The Liveryman’s eyes cut towards him and gave him a doleful stare.

“Touch o luck fer you I reckon.  Anyways, the horse’ll go.  Jest not fast.  Or long.”

Aubery’s jittery right foot began to tap an incessant rhythm.  It was not a good sign.

“How long ago did they leave?”  Gre noticed the boy’s voice had gone up a few octaves, something he hadn’t thought possible.


 The Liveryman spat a long brown stream of tobacco then wiped a brown runner from his mouth with the back of his hand. 

“The devil bitch.  And the girl with her.  How many days ago did they leave?”

The liveryman gave a nonchalant shrug and Gre had to hide a sudden grin. 

“Don’t know who yore talkin about.  Lotta travelers come and go here.”

Aubery’s eyes narrowed and Gre noticed that the boy’s hand had jittered a bit closer to the dagger in his belt.

“Dark-haired girl.  Riding a big draft.  Black. Had another girl with her.”  Gre quickly interjected.

 He saw no need to announce that it was the Twiceborn.  Winnie’s incredulous scorn was still fresh on his mind.  The liveryman rocked back on his heels and nodded.

“Ayuh.  Those two holes left a coupla days back or so.  Winnie’s must notta been to their likin.  Dark-haired one was a shucky bitch.”

Aubery gave a hurried nod and shifted restlessly on his feet.

“Yeah, okay.   Done deal.  Gre, let’s go.  Let’s get ‘em saddled and go.  Get on the road.”

The liveryman shook his head as Gre hefted his saddle off a nearby stand.

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