To Reach The End Of The World

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"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along."--Rumi

"What's a freereigner and since when does Finn Dhannor close down for anybody?" Gre asked.

"Freereigners are the people here, mostly slave owners, large business owners or should I say, the profitable business owners. The small shop owners follow the Guardians. We don't fall under their tyrannical religious rule, though it's not advertised."

"Yeah. You said that." A mug of dark ale passed temptingly close to Gre. He watched it as it was borne away by a harried serving wench.

"The Guardians come from the Temple," Drenal continued. "They are in the process of constructing a barrier wall but, until then, they patrol the town. They make their rounds after dark, making sure that sin is quiet and bedded down for the evening. No more drinking, gambling, or whoring. A word of advice, sir. Keep your slave quiet when they come in. The less they notice, the better. Now, payment is requested before services. This is your bill. You'll notice extra coin has been tacked on for the Thieves Guild. Finn watches out for his customers; you need not worry about being robbed of your coin here. Your slave is a different matter. Some may attempt to bet or bargain her away from you. You are free to sell but make sure you see the coin before she exchanges hands. Finn does not involve himself in slave disputes between customers.When you are ready to retire for the evening, give this token to one of the serving wenches and she'll show you your room and answer any questions about bathing and...other comforts."

Gre dug down in his pockets for his coin purse. He'd pay any amount at this point,just to be able to sit down and get a drink. He looked at the bill, marveling at the hand-done print on the parchment. The bill was for three days. Gre looked at Drenal.

"Is Behrin expected in the next three days? He asked.

Drenal shrugged.

"I don't know, sir. Three days is where we start at when it comes to undetermined stays."

Gre nodded as he began to count out the coin. He'd always been a slow counter. He knew how much ale and whores cost and what was considered cheap and expensive but anything other then that, he drew a blank. He handed the coins to Drenal who cursively counted them with a swiftness Gre would never have.

" come the Guardians can be out after dark with the hidebehinds?" Gre asked.

If some holier-than-thou Brede fanatics could be out after dark, then there was no reason why he could not get Pixie, if something were to happen.

Being afoot wasn't setting well with him at all.

"The hidebehinds leave them alone. Many say it's because they cannot stand before true religious beliefs. They cower and run." Drenal's tone was bland. The reply sounded like something that had been practiced over and over until it was simply an answer, and not even a good one at that. Gre gave a noncommittal grunt. He no more believed that bullshit then he believed Finn had ever missed a meal.

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