Disney World

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Camila not physically carrying the baby was both easier and, in some aspects, much more difficult. She admittedly was grateful for the fact that she didn't have to deal with any of the symptoms that came along with pregnancy — especially during that first trimester. However she did miss the closeness that came with carrying a baby. There were some days where she found herself wishing she could be in Naomi's body for just a moment; just long enough to feel her child growing inside of her. There were some nights where she'd lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling debating whether or not it was a mistake to have their baby via surrogate. Luckily she had a loving husband who not only would assure her that they hadn't made a mistake, but would also remind her that her body was fully capable of carrying a child if they wanted to try things naturally for any future kids. Camila thought about it. Obviously that wasn't something they'd have to worry about any time soon, and there were definitely aspects of it that still terrified her. But the idea that she could feel that closeness with any future children made her heart swell a bit. Still, she was confident that Naomi carrying this child wouldn't cause Camila to love them any less.

Their first ultrasound appointment was interesting to say the least. Camila had never been sitting to the side during a sonogram yet there she was — her hand interlaced with Shawn's as they watched the doctor perform the ultrasound.

"Look at that little bean!" the doctor said excitedly as she looked at the screen, pointing in the direction of the fetus blinking on the monitor. Shawn squeezed his wife's hand. They both glanced at each other and smiled, eyes glassed over with tears. Camila smiled even harder when she looked up to Naomi and saw that she wasn't looking at the screen, she was looking at Shawn and Camila with a wide grin.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Naomi sweetly whispered.

Camila nearly skipped out of the hospital as she held the sonogram pictures in her hand. Having physical images of their child made everything so much realer. They said goodbye to Naomi and got back into the car. Shawn snapped a picture of the ultrasound with his phone and sent it to his parents before driving to Alejandro and Sinu's house to pick up Quinn. Both of Camila's parents were filled with joy when they saw the image of the small, unrecognizable blob.

"Mira el angel..." Sinu pointed at the image as her husband peered proudly over her shoulder.

"Tan pequeño," he chuckled. Shawn silently patted himself on the back, impressed by himself for understanding what they had said. Camila insisted that their kids be bilingual which meant that he too needed to be bilingual. He had been practicing and would occasionally ask Camila to speak to him in Spanish to help him learn, though that didn't always work as it typically would just awaken parts of his body that weren't his brain. He started looking up different programs to learn Spanish as soon as they got back to their house.

One good thing about Camila not carrying the baby herself was that time seemed to be flying by somehow. Sure, technically time was going the same pace it had been when Camila was pregnant with Quinn. But it still seemed to be going by quicker. Before they knew it, it was June 19th — their wedding anniversary. Shawn surprised his wife with a weekend at Disney World, including a stay at their Polynesian Bungalows. He had told her that they were going to Disney World but he hadn't mentioned where they were staying so as soon as she saw the over-the-water villa she squealed with excitement.

 He had told her that they were going to Disney World but he hadn't mentioned where they were staying so as soon as she saw the over-the-water villa she squealed with excitement

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