Lasagna for Breakfast

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"I can't believe they're actually going to be this tiny," Shawn said as he picked up one of the baby onesies Camila had bought while shopping with his mom.

"I know, right? It doesn't seem possible for a human to ever be that small." Camila walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso, placing a quick kiss to his toned back.

"Have you thought of any names yet?"

"No," Camila sighed. "I mean, there are a few that I like but I haven't narrowed down the name yet. I always hated naming pets when I was younger because it seemed like too much pressure...I don't know why I thought it'd be easy to name a literal human." Shawn laughed.

"Well luckily you've still got time to figure that out."


"Yes baby?"

"I want lasagna," she murmured against his back. Shawn snorted.

"Camila, it's 10:30 in the morning."

"I know," she groaned. "It's technically not me who wants the lasagna, it's the baby. They're the weird one." That was her way of justifying her strange cravings. She wasn't the one craving it, it was the baby.

"Well then, is the baby requesting lasagna from any certain restaurant? Or just lasagna in general?"

"Just any lasagna...but with extra crispy edges!"

"I'll call and place a takeout order from that Italian place down the street," Shawn chuckled as he turned around to face his girlfriend, kissing her forehead softly. As always, he did exactly as he said he would and ordered her some lasagna—despite the fact that it was still the morning time. Simple gestures like this always had Camila wondering what she did to get so lucky, or what she did to deserve someone as attentive and caring as Shawn. Any craving she had he would always drop whatever he was doing and get it for her—no matter the time of day or if he had to drive to the other side of the city to get it for her. For him, she was worth it. As he drove to pick up her lasagna, he couldn't help but laugh at the memory of her most ridiculous craving: water from McDonald's. It was nearly 2:30 in the morning and she had woken him up saying that the baby needed a large cup of ice water from McDonald's.

"Why can't you just get ice water from the kitchen?" Shawn asked.

"McDonald's water tastes different! It's a very specific taste and that's what the baby is wanting right now." Within minutes he was in his car, driving through Miami in the middle of the night headed to the McDonald's drive-thru so he could get some water for Camila and the baby. As inconvenient as her cravings were sometimes, he would still always make sure that she got what she wanted because seeing her happy and content would always make the inconvenience worth it.

"I've gotta say, we don't get very many morning takeout orders for lasagna," the hostess said as Shawn waited for Camila's food.

"I know, my girlfriend is pregnant and was craving here I am," Shawn shrugged and laughed.

" must really love her."

"I really do." He said it without even really realizing it. In fact, it was incredibly natural and easy for him to admit his love for Camila. Maybe because he was talking to a total stranger, but more likely because it was true. He did love her, he just wasn't sure how to tell her that. A few minutes later, the hostess came out with a takeout bag and handed it to him. He happily took it and wished her a good day before heading back home to his girlfriend.

"This is the best breakfast ever. Thank you," Camila said with a mouth full of lasagna. Shawn just chuckled and shook his head.

"Anything for you."


[Smut Warning]

The day ended how many of their days together seemed to end: with them making out on the couch while something they weren't actually paying any attention to played on Netflix in the background.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" he cooed against her lips. One of his hands held the back of her neck as the other carefully brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face. "Because you're so fucking beautiful." He laid on top of her, her left thigh resting comfortably between his legs. He kissed her lips one more time before his lips moved to her neck, rotating between soft and gentle pecks and harsher, impassioned kisses that she was sure would leave a mark. They had yet to go any further than this, but they had been in this position enough times for him to know exactly what she liked and which spots on her neck would elicit a soft moan or whimper.

She could feel the bulge in his sweatpants pressing against her leg as they kissed. Normally this would be when they would stop, but Camila didn't want to. She admittedly enjoyed the feeling of his hardening length pressed against her. She sensed that he was about to pull away and moved her hands to his lower back, pushing him closer to her. Taking matters into her own hands, she gently thrust her thigh up against him causing a moan to escape his throat.

"Mila..." he groaned.

"It's okay," she whispered. "I want you to feel good." He looked into her eyes searching for any hint of uncertainty but found nothing.

"Okay," he said with a soft nod. He dropped his hips against her leg and slowly began to grind his covered erection against her thigh. He didn't even think about the fact that because of this movement, his left thigh was pushing against her core until he heard a soft moan escape her lips.

"That feels good," she whispered. He dropped his head and connected his lips to her neck once more as he thrust himself against her leg. She bucked her hips up against his thigh, grinding on his leg. She wanted to take things slowly and she felt like they had been doing a pretty good job at that, but this pregnancy had made her inexplicably horny and right now she just needed release. Their grinding became harder and faster until they were both sweaty and panting with pleasure. The consistent rhythmic sensation of his thigh mashing against her clit was bringing her closer and closer to the edge. She wrapped her arm around his neck and held him close to her as they continued their grinding thrusts against one another.

"Fuck...oh my god..." Shawn groaned against the supple skin of her neck. Camila let out a loud moan that she has been holding in. She felt her core clench and throb as she toppled over the edge of her orgasm. Just as she felt a gush of wetness escape her folds, Shawn's motions stilled as he moaned against her neck, signaling that he had reached his peak as well. He laid on top of her, both of them breathless as they recovered from their highs. "That...felt really good."

"It really did," Camila agreed.

"Did, um...did you..." Shawn pulled away and looked down at the obvious wet spot on her leggings. "Nevermind," he said with a coy smirk as he blushed. Camila giggled and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment but Shawn quickly pulled them away, kissing her lips instead. "I...I need to go change my sweatpants." Shawn chuckled awkwardly and Camila nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna do the same."

He got up from the couch and walked into his bedroom, cleaning up and changing into a different pair of pants. Camila walked across the hall into her apartment, stripping herself of her leggings. Her fingers brushed over her folds. She was even wetter than she had thought. Without giving it a second thought, she dipped two of her fingers into her core and moaned. She plunged her fingers in and out of herself until she came again—embarrassingly quickly. She wished so badly that it would've been his fingers instead. She knew he was willing—she just still felt weird about him seeing her naked, or at least partially naked, for the first time while she was pregnant. She knew it didn't matter to him, but it mattered to her. She quickly cleaned herself up and made her way back to his apartment. He was getting ready to sit back down on the couch as she walked in.

"Do you wanna finish this?" he said pointing at the TV. "Or do you just wanna call it a night and go to bed?"

"Bed sounds nice." With that, they crawled into bed with one another and fell asleep in record time—exhausted from their earlier activities.

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