Under The Sea

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Camila shifted the paper bag of groceries to her other arm as she put her key in their front door and made her way inside. Shawn was always more than willing to go on grocery runs for her, but it was now mid-April and she was more than in love with Miami weather during the springtime so she insisted that she'd go pick them up herself. They didn't need much, only a couple of essentials. She plopped the bag down onto the kitchen counter and put the few items away. Shawn and Quinn weren't in the living room. Assuming they must be in the nursery, Camila walked over and opened the door but once again the room was empty. As she started walking towards the master bedroom she couldn't help but smile. She could hear the faint sound of Shawn singing "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid in his signature baby voice that he only ever used with their daughter. Camila followed the voice into their master bathroom, where Shawn and Quinn were swimsuit-clad in the tub taking a bubble bath. Quinn giggled and flapped her arms around as he bounced her gently into the sudsy water and sang to her.

"Am I interrupting something?" Camila laughed as she admired the precious sight in front of her. Shawn looked over at her in surprise, not realizing she had come home. His cheeks flushed slightly at the thought of being caught.

"No," he said plainly. "In fact, you should put your swimsuit on and join us."

"You know what? I think I will." Camila walked back into their bedroom and put on a floral patterned one-piece. Walking into the bathroom, she put her hair up into a messy bun to avoid getting her hair wet and soapy. "Move your legs!" Camila chuckled as she attempted to step into the opposite side of the tub, facing her fiancé.

"I can't! Where am I supposed to put them?"

"I don't know! Just lift them up for a second." He lifted his legs as Camila sat down between his ankles, his legs coming down and resting on top of hers as she sat cross-legged in the tub.

"Ok, maybe having all three of us in the tub is a little more difficult than I anticipated..." Shawn said with a shrug. "We'll have to buy a house with an actual pool, I guess...would you like that Quinny? Should mommy and daddy get you a pool?" His voice switched back into baby voice mode for the last part of his comment. Camila smiled and beamed with pride at the sight of the two people she loved the most sharing such an adorable moment.

"Speaking of...there's a few open houses happening today. Wanna go check them out?"

"If you're there, I'm there," he said with a wink. Camila rolled her eyes and tried to suppress the blush that spread across her cheeks but she was unsuccessful. Shawn laughed at his ability to still make her flustered. They stayed in the tub for a little longer, continuing Quinn's "underwater adventure", as Shawn described it.

Both of them felt like imposters at the first house they visited. It was beautiful, but also incredibly modern and way more fancy than they needed - especially since it would likely end up with baby toys all over the place anyway. Unfortunately, the other two houses they visited that day were also the same exact way. Although they appreciated the fact that they were now able to afford such extravagant houses, they didn't want extravagant - they wanted a place to call home. The last house they viewed was right on the beach. Since they knew they weren't going to buy the house, they left fairly quickly and decided to head down to the beach for a bit instead.

"I wanna get married on the beach," Camila said as they walked through the sand.

"I'm sure we can make that happen."

"How quickly do you think we could make that happen?"

"Well," Shawn said as he let out a thoughtful sigh. "Depends on how quickly you can plan it."

"You mean how quickly I can hire a wedding planner that knows how to plan weddings quickly?" she laughed.

"Yes, I guess that is what I mean..." he chuckled in return.

Apparently the answer to how quickly she could get a wedding planner was extremely quickly, because within that week they were meeting him for the first time. His name was Davey and despite being two completely different patterns, his bowtie coordinated beautifully with his button-up shirt. They had a pretty good idea of what they wanted for their wedding. They knew they wanted it to be on the beach in Miami and Camila, of course, wanted it to have tropical vibes. She also had somehow convinced Shawn that for the food they should have a local Cuban food truck at their wedding. To be fair, after she took him to it so he could try the food himself it didn't take much convincing. He agreed that it was beyond delicious and definitely wedding worthy.

Originally they had wanted to be moved into a house before they got married, but as their wedding day got closer and closer they still hadn't found a new place to call home. They did both decide that they wanted a cute little beach house, though - so that at least narrowed down their search.

Shawn's family flew in from Canada a few days before their wedding. All of them seemed more excited to see Quinn than Shawn and Camila themselves, but they couldn't really blame them. They spent nearly every hour of the few days before their wedding with their families and both of them absolutely loved it. The night before the big day, Camila packed everything she'd need to get ready and left for her parents' house where she'd be staying for the night while Shawn stayed at their apartment with Quinn. Originally, Camila planned on taking Quinn with her but lately Shawn had been struggling with some really tough nightmares regarding the Zachary situation. In every nightmare, instead of watching Zach kill himself, he watched him kill Camila and Quinn. They didn't happen every night, but when they did happen he would jump up in bed covered in sweat with tears streaming down his cheeks. Usually he was able to calm down fairly quickly after seeing Camila next to him, but the fact that she wouldn't be there with him worried her. He asked her a few hours before she left for her parents' house if he could keep Quinn just in case he had a nightmare. He knew he'd be able to calm himself down if he was able to see her asleep in her crib.

Sure enough, Shawn shot up in bed around 2am on the day of their wedding crying and sweating as the all too vivid image of the people he loved the most being taken from him flooded his mind. The nightmare was so realistic that when he looked over and saw the empty bed next to him he only started crying harder. Between his own sobs he heard the cries of their daughter, successfully snapping him out of his panic attack as he quickly made his way into her nursery. He felt his breathing start to regulate the second that he held her in his arms. Her cries turned into coos as he held her close to his chest, kissing the top of her head sweetly as they both soothed each other. The nightmare freaked him out so much that he almost forgot that it was actually he and Camila's wedding day. He smiled and looked down at their daughter, stroking her soft cheek with his thumb.

"Mommy and daddy are getting married today, peanut..." he whispered softly, his eyes still glassy with tears. "I can't wait...you and your mommy are the best thing that's ever happened to me, do you know that?" Quinn just quietly giggled; something that always made Shawn grin from ear to ear. After Quinn had fallen back asleep in her dad's arms he gently placed her back down into her crib before crawling back into bed himself. The panic attack had completely exhausted him so he knew that he'd fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. After falling asleep again, he didn't have another nightmare. This time, it was a beautiful dream where he married the love of his life in front of their families and friends - and in just a few short hours that dream would become a reality.


ya feel?

Anyyyywayysss...I'm so beyond excited for this song and this era. He seems so happy and proud of this album and I can tell he's put way more of himself into this than anything he's done before. Hearing him talk about it in the radio interview from today made me emo, not to mention the way he talks about Camila. It's so sweet to hear the way they both truly push each other to be vulnerable, honest, and overall just better people. Their happiness is contagious and I love them so much. That's all. I will now be patiently waiting for midnight.

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