Stars On The Soccer Field

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"Babe! You better hurry up, we're leaving soon," Camila shouted as she pulled on her favorite cardigan. They all decided the night before to go to a local diner for breakfast and although Camila and Quinn were ready to go, Shawn had just gotten out of the shower.

"I'm almost ready, I promise." He stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist as the tan skin of his chest glistened, still wet from the shower. Camila stared at him shamelessly as he fumbled through his suitcase for clothes to wear. He smirked when he looked up and noticed her eyes trained on his torso. "Careful, babe. If you keep ogling me like that your eyes might pop out."

"You love it," Camila quickly retorted as she blushed and looked away.

"You've got me there—I do love it." He flexed his arms and wiggled his eyebrows at her as she just rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Would you get dressed? All this swooning is wearing me out..." she said with a mocking tone. He quickly finished getting ready before the three of them headed downstairs to meet the rest of his family so they could all head to the diner.

They sat around the table and laughed as Shawn's parents shared stories of what he was like as a kid. Story after story, it just became more and more clear that Shawn had always been a handful.

"When he was three I walked into our bedroom to see him dancing on our dresser butt-naked...I still don't even know how he got up there!" Karen chuckled.

"Ah, so he's always done that?" Camila asked with a joking tone. They all threw their heads back in laughter.

Aaliyah finished her breakfast first and took the opportunity to hold Quinn in her arms.

"I'm literally obsessed with her," she said with a goofy smile. "Like...I low-key might steal her from you guys while you sleep."

"Would you want to watch her for a few hours tonight while Camila and I go out for a bit?" Shawn asked.

"Well duh!" Aaliyah said excitedly. "We're going have the most fun, aren't we little angel?" Quinn smiled and cooed. "See? She's just as hyped as I am."

"Where are we going?" Camila whispered to Shawn with her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"You'll see..."

And she would see, but not until he pulled into the parking lot later that night.

"A high school?"

"My old high school," he said with a smile. "I know it's kind of cheesy...but I don't know, I thought it'd be cute to show it to you."

"That is cute. You're cute." She squeezed his hand in hers, laying her head on his shoulder as he parked the car.

"We can't go inside, unfortunately...but I can show you around the outside. Besides, I probably spent more time on the soccer field than inside the school anyway."

"Can I confess something?" They both got out of the car and nearly immediately intertwined their hands once again.

"Go for it," he said confidently.

"I've always thought soccer players were like...super hot."

" really lucked out with me, huh?" Shawn chuckled.

"Laugh all you want, but yes—I really did get lucky with you." She stood up on her tiptoes and gave him a sweet kiss as they continued to walk around the high school campus. "So lucky." Shawn held her hand in his as they walked onto the soccer field.

"It's weird being back here," he admitted. "This is actually my first time coming back here since I graduated."

"Did you like high school?"

"I did...I mean, there were definitely parts I didn't enjoy as much but looking back I had a good experience overall." He looked down at Camila to see she was already looking up at him. Unable to resist, he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Come here," he said quietly as he pulled her to the middle of the field.

"What are we doing?" she giggled as he pulled her down onto the green grass.

"Laying in the middle of the soccer field...?" he responded as if it were obvious. "The stars are so pretty."

"You're right...they really are." Camila moved closer to him so their bodies were touching, her head touching his shoulder as they lazily played with each other's hands. A comfortable silence fell over them as they stared up at the dazzling night sky.

"My first kiss was on this soccer field," he admitted randomly.

"Yeah?" Camila giggled. "How was that?"

"Honestly? Sloppy and weird." They both burst into laughter. "Luckily for you, my skills have improved since then."

"Hm...have they? You might need to prove it to me..." Camila said with a devilish smirk playing on her lips. Shawn smiled and moved to hover above her—his lips just barely brushing against hers. His hot breath fanned across her face. The contrast of his warmth against the cold Camada air sent a shiver down her spine.

"I haven't even kissed you yet and you've already got the chills?" he said with a teasing tone. "See? I've clearly improved..."

"Would you just shut up and kiss me already?" she pleaded. He smiled before finally giving into her and pressing his lips against hers. Her delicate hand slipped into the brown curls at the nape of his neck as he settled himself on top of her petite frame. They made out until they both felt completely intoxicated by each other. "I love you more than you could ever know," she whispered breathlessly against his lips.

"I think I've got a pretty good idea," he chuckled. "I love you too—so much." He connected their lips again, slipping his hands beneath the warm fabric of her sweatshirt so he could feel her soft skin.

"What are the chances of us getting caught out here?" Camila asked as she pulled away from him just slightly.

"Don't know, don't care."

"Well you might not...but I do," she giggled as his lips migrated to her neck.

"What's so wrong with making out on the soccer field? Let them catch us."

"There isn't anything wrong with making out on the soccer field...but right now I kinda wanna do more than just make out," she replied shyly.

"Oh?" Shawn quirked an eyebrow and smirked down at her. "I mean...I can't imagine anybody would catch us if we move this to the car..." Camila smiled and drew her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Well what are we still doing here then?" Shawn chuckled before picking Camila up off of the ground bridal style and carrying her all the way back to where they had parked. "I feel like such a teenager," Camila laughed as they frantically pulled their clothes off in the backseat of his parent's SUV.

"If my parents ever find out I had sex in the back of their car I'm so grounded..." Shawn said dramatically as his fiancée just laughed at him.

"Would you just shut up and take your pants off? I'm getting impatient."

"Damn, woman..." he said huskily as he pulled his jeans off and settled himself between her legs.

A/N: My new goal is just to slip little Folklore references into everything I post.

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