Little Family

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Camila woke up and lifted her head from Shawn's shoulder just minutes before the plane landed. Just looking out of the airplane window made her shiver.

"Oh my god, we haven't even landed yet!" Shawn laughed. Camila playfully huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Don't blame me! Canada even looks cold..." Once they had landed, they quickly made their way to baggage claim to get their luggage before stepping outside. "Oh my god, it's freezing!" Camila dramatically exclaimed when they made their way through the sliding glass doors. She quickly zipped up her coat and held the warm fabric closer to her, but before she could say anything else Shawn was happily waving as a white SUV pulled up. The vehicle stopped in front of them and within seconds Karen was excitedly getting out of the passenger side and running up to them.

"Look at this precious little family!" she squealed. She wrapped her arms around her son's neck in a hug as Manny walked around to meet them from the driver's side of their car.

"Camila!" he said happily as he opened his arms for a hug. "It's so great to finally meet you in person." Camila smiled widely and hugged him back.

"It's so great to meet you too, Manny!" They switched places, Karen hugging Camila and Manny hugging Shawn before they both turned their attention to Quinn.

"Oh she just keeps getting cuter!" Karen said as she gently pinched her cheeks. "I may or may not have some presents for her at home. You know me, I just can't help but spoil her!" Manny and Shawn loaded their suitcases into the trunk of the vehicle before they all got into the car.

"Thanks again for letting us stay with you guys," Camila said gratefully.

"Oh please," Karen said with a smile. "We're happy to have you guys stay with us."

When they arrived to their family home in Pickering, Shawn led Camila up to the guest room that had previously been his bedroom.

"You're lucky they re-did this room. High school Shawn's room would not have been a pleasant place to stay," he chuckled.

"I would've liked to know high school Shawn," Camila sighed as she plopped herself down onto the bed. "I bet he was a real cutie."

"Well yeah...duh. I mean look at me." Shawn followed Camila's lead and fell back onto the large, soft bed. They both laid there looking up at the ceiling with their daughter in between them. Shawn turned his attention from the ceiling to the girls next to him, smiling proudly. "I love our little family."

"I love it too," Camila agreed before leaning over to give him a sweet kiss. They took some time to unpack their things and set up Quinn's portable crib before heading back downstairs to spend more time with his parents.

"Aaliyah should be home from school soon. She's so excited to see you guys!" Karen said.

"Seriously," Manny chuckled. "She won't shut up about finally getting to meet Camila and Quinn."

"Shawn's told me a lot about her," Camila said as a wide smile spread across her face. "She sounds like an incredible girl."

"She is...oh I think you two will get along great!" Karen said happily. "I'm going to go make some tea for when she gets home. Shawn, Camila...would you guys like some?"

"I would love some, thank you!" Camila answered as Shawn also nodded in response. Karen made her way into the kitchen as Camila laid her head on her fiancé's shoulder, who was holding and snuggling with Quinn.

"I see you're still loving dad life..." Manny said as he walked up behind them. Shawn chuckled.

"It's hard not to with this little one!" Quinn gave a goofy little smile that automatically made everyone's heart swell.

"It's like she knows she's cute," Camila laughed.

"She must get that from you," Shawn joked as he nudged Camila with his elbow. Just then, the sound of a car door closing could be heard outside which instantly made Shawn's eyes light up. Aaliyah squealed in excitement when she walked in the door to see their houseguests for the next several days. Shawn stood up to greet her first, giving her a big hug and kiss on the head before her attention was stolen by the sweet baby in his arms.

"Oh my god, she is literally the most precious human I have ever seen," Aaliyah gasped.

"That does seem to be the general consensus," Camila chimed in. Aaliyah lifted her head towards Camila and immediately scurried over towards her with her arms wide open for a hug, which Camila gladly reciprocated.

"Oh my god! It's you! It's so fantastic to finally meet you!" Aaliyah yelped as she squeezed her future sister-in-law closer to her. She instantly looked down to Camila's left hand and lifted it up to inspect the ring. "Wow! It's beautiful..." She turned to face her big brother. "...but I thought we had an agreement that I'd get to help pick out the ring?"

"We never made that agreement," Shawn said defensively but also a bit confused.

"Well, not technically...but I'm your little sister, it should just be understood that I get to help." Shawn playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head at his little sister's antics.

"Tea is ready!" Karen exclaimed as she walked into the living room carrying a tray with several mugs on it. Shawn, Camila, and Aaliyah all happily grabbed their mugs and enjoyed the hot tea as they caught up on each other's lives.

"So when's the wedding?"

"Ooh! Good question," Karen said cheerfully. Shawn and Camila shared shrugs and awkward glances before turning their attention back to his family.

"We don't know, honestly. We're both just kind of focused on being parents right now that we don't really feel up to planning a wedding," Shawn answered truthfully.

"I guess that's fair..." Karen sighed. "Though I do have major wedding fever!"

"I know you do," Shawn chuckled. "It'll happen...we're just not really in any rush at this point."

"I think that's a good idea," Manny added. "Everything has happened so quickly with you two—not saying that's a bad thing, but it might be a good idea to slow down and just be present for a while."

"Screw that!" Aaliyah shouted. "Life is short! There's no time like the present! In fact, you guys should get married tonight. It shouldn't be that difficult...we can—" She was cut off by her mom before she could even finish her sentence.

"How about you guys just wait until the timing is right for both of you and get married whenever you want to?"

"I like that plan," Camila giggled as Shawn nodded in agreement.

A/N: Sorry I took a couple days to update.

Also, highly suggest reading "Memories of Us" by @WritingShawmila - it's SO good and they put so much work into it. One of my favorite fics on Wattpad for sure.

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