Polaroids of Us

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[Smut Warning]

Camila blinked her eyes open and smiled at the sleeping, messy-haired brunette boy next to her. Today was his birthday, and she was determined to make it a good one. She admired the sight of the portion of his toned chest that wasn't covered by blankets, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth as an idea came to mind. They had a discussion about a week ago concerning how they felt about waking each other up with sexual acts and they both came to the agreement that it was something they consented to. Knowing this, Camila decided to start his birthday off right and carefully pulled back the blanket that was covering him, revealing his gray sweatpants. He stirred slightly as she slowly tugged down his sweatpants and underwear, but remained asleep. She leaned down and began placing gentle, open mouthed kisses on his soft shaft. She looked up when she heard a soft hum come from his mouth, but he remained asleep. She slowly swirled her tongue around his tip before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. He was still asleep but getting harder by the second. He let out a few quiet moans and whimpers, causing Camila to feel oddly proud of herself. She licked a long stripe all the way from the base of his cock to the very tip before taking him fully into her mouth. She heard a louder groan and looked up to see his eyes open and fixed on her.

"Good morning, birthday boy," she said as she released him from her mouth with a 'pop'. "Did you sleep good?"

"I did," he gasped. "But I think I woke up better." Camila giggled and took him back into her mouth, increasing her suction around him as she took him deeper into her throat, pumping the length she couldn't reach with her hand. She swallowed around his length, the contraction of her throat muscles around his cock sending shivers down his spine. "Baby...I'm gonna cum..."

"Mmhmm..." Camila moaned around him. Within seconds she felt him release into her mouth and quickly swallowed him down—something she had never done until him. Granted, when it first happened he had meant to pull out of her mouth but didn't do it in time. Camila was caught of guard when it happened but she didn't mind. In fact, she found she quite enjoyed it and since then he had found himself releasing into her mouth more often.

"You're fucking insane," he panted. "Like...in the best way possible." Camila wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and giggled.

"I just figured it's never too early to start celebrating your birthday." She moved up and kissed his cheek. He put his hand on the side of her face and tried to kiss her lips. "Ew! I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth. You have morning breath," she groaned.

"Camila, you literally just had my dick in your mouth and I was willing to kiss you...you really can't handle some morning breath?" She gave him her classic stubborn look and he knew better than to question her any further. "Fine, fine. I need to clean myself up anyways so I guess I can brush my teeth while I'm at it." They brushed their teeth together and when they finished Shawn finally got his morning kiss.

"So, how do you want to celebrate? I feel bad that I don't have any big elaborate celebration planned..."

"Don't," he said as he brushed his fingers through her hair. "Just getting to spend the day with you is already the best way to celebrate."

"What if we spent the day downtown?" she suggested. "Hanging out...exploring..."

"That sounds perfect. The weather today is supposed to be incredible."

"Well then that's what we'll do!" She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him again. "I do have a present for you, and I'm too impatient to wait and give it to you later...so you're getting it now."

"I mean I feel like you've gifted me enough this morning, but okay." Camila rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at his arm as she handed him the box. He opened it up to find a vintage polaroid camera and some film.

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