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"This is weird," Shawn said quietly as they looked around the sterile doctor's office. They had been in there recently but it hadn't been Camila laying on the bed. "I can't believe I got two different women pregnant at once..." Camila snapped her head over at him with a glare. It had been his new 'go-to' joke since they had found out that she was also pregnant. "It's funny! Admit it!"

"It's funny when it's just you and me. However I didn't appreciate you saying it in the middle of the grocery store checkout yesterday..."

"I mean the cashier laughed..." Camila snorted at his response and playfully rolled her eyes. Shawn reached forward and took her hand into his, brushing his thumb over the back of her hand with a featherlight touch. She squeezed his hand in hers and gave him a grateful smile just as their doctor slowly opened the door and peeked in, giving both of them a distinct look — one of mostly amusement and a slight tinge of 'what the hell did you guys do'.

"Surprise...?" Camila cringed. 

"Trust me: we weren't expecting this either," Shawn laughed.

"How did this happen?" Dr. Mandujano asked with a chuckle.

"I think I have a video of it somewhere..." Shawn quickly replied. Even quicker, Camila jutted her hand out and smacked him on the shoulder.

"There is no video. And we don't know how or when it happened."

"Hm," Dr. Mandujano hummed as she sat down in front of her computer. "Well, looking at your blood test results it looks like your HCG levels are pretty high so I'd guess that you're further along than you probably realize."

"They need to recall that birth control..." Camila huffed under her breath. "I knew I should've done the IUD instead of the pill."

"Did you forget to take it one day?"

"No," Camila said, sure in her answer. "I have an alarm set on my phone to take it."

"Any vomiting recently?"

"No. I haven't had any morning sickness."

"I'm not talking about morning sickness," Dr. Mandujano chuckled. "Do you remember vomiting around the time conception could've been? If you get sick too soon after taking your birth control pill you can still get pregnant because your body doesn't have enough time to absorb the pill. I actually delivered a baby for a new mom last week who got pregnant on the pill because she had thrown up too soon after taking her birth control."

"Disney..." Shawn said quietly under his breath, looking over at Camila. He could see all the dots being connected in her mind.

"I did throw up on our anniversary trip," Camila sighed. "And it would've been about 45 minutes after taking the pill."

"And were you intimate that day?"

"She just said it was our anniversary trip..." Shawn pointed out, making both of the women in the room laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes. When was that?"

"June 19th." Shawn and Camila both answered in unison, making their doctor smile at their cuteness. 

"Well that checks out time-wise," Dr. Mandujano noted. "Though your HCG levels are still pretty high for that conception date."

"What does that mean?"

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. Low HCG levels is what you want to be careful of." Camila leaned back and took deep, calming breaths — her hand squeezing her husbands. Every fear and worry she had been feeling going into this appointment melted away when she saw the image of her womb and the life growing inside of it. Walking out of the hospital after their appointment that day felt different from the appointments they had been going to with Naomi, for obvious reasons. They had come home with many sonogram images recently but none of them had been her body. Her mind was still struggling to wrap around the fact that was pregnant. The idea that she'd be giving birth just a few months after their second daughter would be born was both stressful and exciting to think about for both Camila and Shawn.

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