The Wedding: Part Two

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"Alright! Is everybody in place? Everybody ready to go?" Davey asked as the bridesmaids and groomsmen got ready to begin the ceremony. Camila peeked out into the crowd and smiled. Nothing made her happier than seeing all of her friends and family sitting in the same crowd as all of Shawn's friends and family, quietly mingling.

"Are you nervous?" Sofi asked as she comfortingly put her hand on her older sister's shoulder.

"Not nervous, just...ready," Camila said confidently. "I'm ready to go home with him tonight as my husband."

"Keep it PG, sister dearest. I don't need the dirty details."

"That's not what I meant," she giggled. "I guess I just meant that I'm more excited about being married to him than the wedding itself, you know?"

"I don't, but I hope I do one day. Seriously. I'm so lucky to have a big sister, and now a big brother-in-law, that set such a good example for what love should look like. I'm so, so happy for you." Sofi smiled and brought Camila in for a hug. Just as the sisters pulled away from the hug, Camila heard the song her soon-to-be husband had composed on the piano begin to play. Shawn obviously couldn't play it himself since he had other more important things to do during the wedding ceremony, so they hired a pianist to play the piece for them. Camila watched as Shawn escorted his parents to their seats in the front row before taking his place in front of the floral arch with the ocean crashing against the sand behind him.

 Camila watched as Shawn escorted his parents to their seats in the front row before taking his place in front of the floral arch with the ocean crashing against the sand behind him

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Next, the bridal party made their way to the front. Sofi walked with Brian, Aaliyah walked with Matt, and Marisol walked with Connor. The guys stood to the side of Shawn while the girls stood on the opposite side, where Camila would stand. Shawn took a deep breath and anxiously twiddled his thumbs. He knew that Camila would walk down the aisle next and he couldn't wait. The key change he had composed played on the piano and he knew that meant it was her time. She gracefully floated down the aisle with one of her arms locked onto her dad's and the other arm holding Quinn. Shawn wasn't aware that she'd be carrying their daughter down the aisle with her so he wasn't prepared for the emotions it would make him feel. He tried to swallow down his tears as he watched his two favorite girls walk towards him.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" the officiant asked when they reached the front where Shawn stood.

"Her mother and I do," Alejandro responded. Shawn stepped forward and gave Alejandro a hug and Quinn a kiss before Ale took her to go sit down and Shawn led Camila under the archway.

"Ready?" he whispered quietly to her as they took their spot in the sand.

"Never been more ready," she answered with a smile. They couldn't seem to unglue their eyes from each other throughout the entire ceremony. As much as they hated to admit it, neither of them really heard any of the things the officiant said before they exchanged rings and vows.

"Shawn, please place the ring on her finger and repeat after me." He slid the ring onto Camila's finger and took a deep breath before repeating the officiant's words line by line.

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