Mother Knows Best

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After their first night sleeping next to each other they both realized that they enjoyed the company much more than they enjoyed sleeping alone. Since then, they slept snuggled up with one another every single night—whether it be in her bed or his. On this particular morning, they had woken up in his bed.

"I don't wanna get out of bed," Camila groaned. "I just wanna stay right here forever."

"Mmm, that would be fantastic." Shawn pulled her closer to his chest as she snuggled against him.

"What time is it?"

"9:52, why?"

"I have a doctor's appointment at 11," Camila said with a yawn. "I've gotta go get ready."

"Can you at least stay for breakfast? It'll be quick—I can just make some eggs and toast." As much as Camila knew she needed to be getting ready, she couldn't resist his adorable attempt at getting to spend a little bit more time with her. And she couldn't lie, she wanted more time with him too.

"I guess I can stay for eggs and toast...but you better make it speedy!" she giggled. They both got out of bed and made their way into the kitchen. Shawn was in his typical morning attire—shirtless with sweatpants. Camila, however, was only wearing her panties and one of Shawn's old t-shirts. If anybody had seen her, they'd surely think this was her post-coitus attire, however her and Shawn had still yet to take that step. Though she had to admit, there had been a few cuddle sessions in bed that had turned into make out sessions in bed where she highly considered going further with him, but they always managed to cool themselves down before things got too heated.

Shawn was right—he had her breakfast made in almost record time. As she stood at the counter eating her eggs and toast, there was a knock on the door. Shawn quickly went over to answer it. Camila's eyes widened in shock when she heard Shawn gasp "Mom?" in surprise. Half naked in Shawn's apartment was not exactly how she imagined meeting his mom for the first time.

"What are you doing in Miami?" Shawn asked as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug, still completely shocked that his mom was actually here.

"Well I had a business conference in Fort Lauderdale so I figured I'd take the opportunity to stop by and see my favorite son!" Karen stepped into his apartment and immediately noticed Camila standing in the kitchen eating her breakfast. Shawn quickly realized what, or rather who, had caught her attention and tried to break the awkwardness.

"Uh, mom—this is girlfriend. Camila, this is my mom." His mom raised her eyebrows in surprise at his use of the word 'girlfriend'.

"You can call me Karen," she said as she held her hand out to Camila.

"It's so nice to meet you."

"It's nice to finally meet you, too! Shawn has told me so much about you."

"Mom..." Shawn groaned.

"All good things I hope!" Camila and Karen giggled.

"Nothing but good things, honey." Karen's eyes dropped down to Camila's growing baby bump and suddenly Camila didn't feel quite as brave. Shawn had told her that his mom knew she was pregnant, but she wasn't sure if that meant she was okay with it or not. "Look at you! How far along are you?" Karen's tone of voice seemed excited and happy for her, which immediately put Camila at ease.

"18 weeks! I'm actually going to get another ultrasound today."

"How exciting! 18 does that mean you get to find out the sex of the baby today? Oh, I'm sure they have much fancier tools now. You probably already know, don't you?"

"Actually no," Camila answered. "I probably would be able to find out today but I decided I want to wait until they're born."

"Oh, you're much more patient than I am! I couldn't wait with either of my kids. I remember sobbing during my ultrasound when I found out I was having a boy. I had always wanted a boy and it just felt like a dream come true. Little did I know that little boy would be a total pain in the butt to raise..."

"Hey!" Shawn exclaimed. "I heard that! I was a good kid."

"You were," Karen agreed. "You just liked to cause a ruckus." They all laughed.

"Well, speaking of—I've got to go get ready now if I want to make it to my appointment on time." Camila walked over to Shawn and stood up on her tippy toes to give him a peck on the lips before heading towards the door. "It was so nice to meet you, Karen. I'm guessing I'll see you later, assuming that you're staying for a bit...?"

"Of course! I'd like to at least stay for dinner...if that's alright with you two?"

"We would love that," Shawn responded. With that, Camila made her way back over to her apartment and quickly got ready before heading to her appointment.

"You don't go to her appointments with her?" Karen asked Shawn once they were alone.

"No. I mean, I would if she asked. But I don't want to pressure her or seem too clingy. The relationship is still pretty new and it's kind of a tricky situation to navigate. So no—for now I don't go."

"I'm not going to lie," Karen sighed. "I'm pretty surprised to find out that you actually pursued her. I don't mean that in a bad way! I just mean...she must be really special."

"She is," he answered simply. "Honestly, it's all kind of surprising to me too. I'm feeling things I didn't know I could feel—feelings I didn't even know existed. It's...incredible. She's incredible." Karen smiled as she tried to read her son's mind.

"Are you in love with her?" she asked with amusement. "Is my little boy finally in love?"

"I don't know, mom..." He sighed and flopped down on the couch. "I have no idea what love feels like. I have no idea how to tell if I'm in love or not but..." his voice trailed off.

"But what?"

"But the way I've always imagined it feeling...the way it's portrayed in movies and music...the way people who have felt it describe it to's all exactly the way I feel when I'm with her." Karen walked over to the couch and sat down on the edge, combing her fingers through her son's hair comfortingly.

"It's okay for you to be confused," she said quietly. "But it's also okay for you to be in love."

"I think I'm in love with her..." he said just barely loud enough for his mom to hear.

"I think you should tell her that."

A/N: SM4 IS COMING YOU SWEET LITTLE BUTTERFLY HUMANS! ♥️ Predictions? I think we'll be getting something by the end of July. He's the king of summer jams.

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