Handshakes To Hugs

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"Camila, I'm terrified!" Shawn exclaimed as he brought the bags of groceries into his girlfriend's apartment.

"Don't be, seriously. I'm telling you—they're going to love you."

"What if they don't, though? What if they hate me? Then what?" Camila just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Then we tell them to go back home so we can make out on the couch."

"Baby, I'm serious," he pouted. "How are you so sure that they'll like me?" She walked up to her boyfriend and gently placed her hand on his cheek.

"Because you're the most incredible man I've ever met. Just be yourself and it'll be impossible not to love you." She leaned up and placed a quick, sweet kiss to his lips. They spent their afternoon making the arroz con pollo, homemade tortillas and fried plantains before quickly cleaning up and waiting for Camila's parents and sister to arrive.

"Mmm...you smell good," Camila hummed as she wrapped her arms around Shawn's torso in a hug.

"Good! I'm trying to make a good first impression..."

"Oh my goodness, would you calm down? There's no need to be nervous, you are going to make a good first impression. Seriously, they're going to love you." Shawn sighed and nodded, wrapping his arms around Camila and squeezing her tighter against him. Just as he leaned down to connect his lips to hers, they heard a knock on the door. Camila looked up at him and smiled. "You've got this," she whispered. She walked over and opened the door, Shawn standing just behind her.

"Hi mija!" Sinu said excitedly. Her eyes widened when she saw the boy standing behind her. "Oh my, aren't you tall!" Shawn chuckled and shrugged.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. I'm Shawn. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Cabello." He held out his hand for a handshake.

"Call me Sinu," she said as she shook his hand. Shawn smiled and averted his attention to the large man still standing in the doorway. "You must be Alejandro." He held his hand out to her dad's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Shawn. You can just call me Ale." They shook hands, which left only Camila's little sister, Sofi.

"I don't like handshakes, but I do like hugs. Nice to meet you Shawn," Sofi said as she walked up and hugged him.

"Well it's nice to meet you too," Shawn chuckled as he hugged her back.

"The food smells delicious," Sinu noted.

"Thanks! Shawn and I made some of your favorites." Camila led them into the dining area where she set out the food.

"God, this looks incredible!" Sofi said excitedly as she began making her plate. They all followed suit, sitting around the dining table and filling up their plates with the delicious food.

"So Shawn," Sinu started. "Are you from Miami?"

"No," Shawn cleared his throat. "I grew up in Canada—in a small town near Toronto. I lived in Toronto for a bit before moving to LA and then to New York City for a while before coming here."

"And what brought you here?" Ale asked.

"I'm a musician, so I wanted to live in a big city where there would be a lot of opportunities for me but with a lower cost of living. New York and LA are both so expensive, Miami just seemed like the perfect place."

"Sounds like you move around quite a bit..." Sinu quietly noted. Shawn shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yeah...I-I did..."

"So who's to say you won't leave Miami soon too?" she asked. Shawn sighed and looked over at Camila who gave him a sympathetic look.

"To be honest with you, it was easy to leave those places because I didn't have a reason to stay. In Miami, I do have a reason to stay...two, actually..." He looked over and smiled at Camila, reaching over to take her hand into his. Sinu pursed her lips and nodded.

"I must say, it's pretty shocking to hear how okay you are with your girlfriend being pregnant with another man's baby."

"Mom!" Camila groaned.

"Sorry, mija...I'm not trying to be insensitive but it's true. Not many guys would be okay something like that."

"I understand where you're coming from," Shawn said calmly. "And you're right, it is a unique situation...but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. I love your daughter and I love that baby as well. I'm a firm believer that family isn't always related by blood. I may not be the biological father of the baby but I still love and care about that baby like they're my own."

"I already like him more than the last guy," Alejandro commented as he popped another piece of fried plantain into his mouth. Shawn let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as Camila quietly chuckled. He could tell Ale and Sofi were on his side, but Sinu still seemed unsure about him. Camila shifted the conversation away from her mom's interrogation and for the remainder of their meal the conversation was light and jovial. After they had finished their food, Shawn stood up and began to clear the table and clean up their plates. Camila stood up to help, but Shawn quickly stopped her.

"Don't worry, I've got it." He leaned in and kissed her forehead, smiling softly as she sat back down and continued chatting with her family. Camila didn't miss the small smile that spread across her mom's face at Shawn's sweet gesture.

"Mama, can we talk on the balcony for a bit?" Camila asked. Her mom nodded and followed her out onto the small balcony. "Mami...I know that it's hard for you to be trusting and welcoming again after the things that happened with Zach, but I promise you that Shawn is a good guy. He loves me and I love him...and I'm happier than I've ever been before."

"I know, mija," she sighed. "He seems like a good man, I'm just cautious I guess. I just don't want to see you get hurt again."

"I know you don't. I don't want to get hurt either...but mama I'm so in love with him. All I'm asking is that you're accepting of that."

"I am," she said simply. "All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy and in love. Just...promise me that if things ever change, god forbid, you'll let go? I don't want you to hold on to a relationship that isn't making you happy again. You deserve happiness—no matter who that's with." 

Meanwhile, inside, Alejandro attempted to reassure Shawn.

"Sorry if she seemed cold, she's not trying to be rude...she's just protective of Camila. I mean, I am too—but I'm also well aware that not every guy is a bad guy. I don't know you too well, but from what I do know I can tell that you love and care about my daughter and her child. All I ask is that you don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Shawn confirmed. Ale pulled him in for a hug and patted him on the back as Camila and her mom stepped back in from the balcony.

"It's getting late, we should probably get home," Sinu announced. She walked over to Shawn and stood in front of him. "It was so nice to meet you," she hummed as she pulled him in for a hug. "Welcome to the family." Shawn smiled as he hugged her, hoping that this meant that he had passed her test. They finished saying their goodbyes and left, Camila closing the door behind them. She turned around and looked at her boyfriend, both of them staring at each other in silence.

"I think that went well...?" Camila said with a hint of uncertainty. 

"Your dad and sister definitely like me...but your mom seems unconvinced," he sighed.

"She's just overly cautious. I promise she'll come around the more she gets to know you."

"I should've turned on the charm more," he joked. "Maybe next time I'll have to break out 'the smolder'..." Camila laughed and swatted his bicep.

"Oh god. Please don't." Camila sighed loudly and laid her head against her boyfriend's chest.

"Tired?" he asked.

"No. I want ice cream." Shawn chuckled at her dramatic antics.

"Do you have any here? Or do you want to make a quick trip to Bianco Gelato?" He saw her face light up at his suggestion, making him laugh. "Bianco Gelato it is. Go put your shoes on we'll head out." They spent the next hour at the small ice cream shop, laughing and enjoying their sweet treats as well as some sweet kisses.

A/N: It's so difficult to write Sinu in a way that's even a little bit rude. She's such a pure little sweetheart. I'm a Sinu stan first, Shawn and Camila stan second.

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