Kids With Grown-Up Powers

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"Babe! I have exciting news," Shawn exclaimed as he walked through the door of Camila's apartment. He laughed when he saw her laying on the couch attempting to balance a water bottle on her bump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt something so important."

"This is very important and you should be sorry," she deadpanned as she removed the water bottle and sat up on the couch. "What's the exciting news?"

"I ran into the other tenant on this floor as they were taking boxes downstairs. They're moving out. I talked to them for a bit and it turns out their apartment is a two bedroom. You should talk to the landlord and see if you can move into that one!"

"Wait...seriously?" Shawn nodded. "That's awesome...I'll email him right now." Camila grabbed her laptop from the coffee table and drafted up her email as Shawn grabbed his own bottle of water from the fridge.

"God, this couch is comfortable," he sighed as he slouched into the cushions.

"Right? It's not that cute but I can't get rid of it because it's so damn squishy." They both laughed.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure. You pick." Shawn's eyes scanned over the collection of DVDs on the shelf above the TV from the comfort of the couch.

"Wizard of Oz is always a classic," he said with a shrug.

"One of my favorites!" Camila said excitedly. They both sat and stared at each other, waiting for one of them to get up and put the DVD in the DVD player.

"I don't wanna get up," Shawn admitted as he relaxed further into the couch.

"Well I don't want to either!"

"See? This is why you need to ditch the DVDs and get Netflix like a normal person! Then neither of us would have to get up." They both laughed and continued to stare at one another, each still waiting for the other to put the disc in.

"Or we could just watch TV..." Camila suggested.

"I like that idea." Shawn grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV, settling on reruns of Say Yes to the Dress. The show was definitely not the first choice for either of them—not even in the top 20, but they did enjoy making fun of the bride's ridiculous antics together.

"She looks like if a cupcake became a born-again Christian," Camila quipped about one of the brides. Shawn threw his head back in laughter and looked over at her, smiling at her widely. "What's that look for?" she said with a small giggle.

"I love these moments with you," he said simply. "Watching Wizard of Oz would've been fun, but laughing our asses off and making fun of shitty television with you is just as fun."

"You're sweet," Camila cooed as she leaned in to kiss him. When they first started dating, Shawn made a vow to himself that he'd always go above and beyond to make his girlfriend feel special and loved, and as they kissed he had the perfect idea for how he could make their otherwise normal night much more special.

"Hey, uh...I've gotta play at the coffee shop today. Sorry, I totally forgot until now..." he lied.

"Oh...okay." She definitely seemed a tad bit skeptical of his sudden need to leave, but she dismissed it and kissed him goodbye as he left her apartment. She spent the time alone to get a poem that had been floating around in her head all day onto paper.

I love him and he loves me.

We spend every moment together. When sleep parts us, we often meet in our dreams.

I like to take naps throughout the day. "Like a cat", he says. He is a cat person.

He thinks my eyes are beautiful and strange. He has never seen eyes like mine up close before.

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