Absolutely F*cking Wild

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"No. Too mermaid-y." Camila scrunched up her nose. "What about Madison?"

"Oof — definitely no. I've had bad experiences with Madisons." Shawn shuddered at the memory. "Penelope?"

"That name always makes me thing of a cantaloupe. I know it's not pronounced the same but still."

"Ok...well then let's go back to my original list of suggestions from when you were pregnant with Quinn. My top two are still Diablo and Secret Agent. Though it is a baby girl...so maybe we should go with Diabla." Camila threw her head back in laughter.

"You know what? I'm not opposed to Secret Agent."

"I'm telling you! It's a good ass name."

"Is Secret Agent her first name? Or is her first name Secret and her middle name is Agent?" Camila inquired. Shawn thought about it for a moment. They were both sat on the couch with a peaceful Quinn laying between them.

"I think it's her first and middle name. I feel like just referring to her as 'Secret Mendes' is much more socially acceptable."

"I'll ask Naomi if she has any suggestions when I see her."

"You guys are going shopping today right?"

"Mhm. That means you two cuties get to have a little daddy-daughter date." Camila tickled the bottom of Quinn's foot, making her giggle and kick before climbing onto her dad's lap and taking a sip from the juice her mom had gotten her earlier.

"We're gonna have so much fun today, aren't we stinker?" He held his hand up, which Quinn quickly and excitedly high-fived.

Now that they knew they were having another little girl, Camila was more than eager to go shopping for some clothes and nursery items. They still had things from when Quinn was a newborn so they didn't need too much, but the temptation to shop at least a little bit for their newest addition was too strong to ignore. Camila got ready for the day and drove to Naomi's house to pick her up for their afternoon excursion. They decided to grab some lunch before shopping — stopping at one of Camila's favorite restaurants in Miami: Kush. Camila got tacos and Naomi got a burger and fries, both of them getting a big glass of lemonade to sip on with their meals.

"So, how are you feeling?" Camila asked.

"Honestly? Really good. I like being pregnant. I mean, obviously some days I feel like total shit but that's to be expected. But overall I feel really good."

"I'm glad," Camila replied with a smile.

"Did you like being pregnant when you had Quinn?"

"I did. In hindsight I kind of miss it. Like you said, there definitely were bad days but most were good. Postpartum was tough...but the pregnancy itself was magical."

"Would you ever consider carrying any of your future children yourself again? Or do you think you guys would stick with surrogacy?" Naomi picked up her lemonade and took a sip.

"If you would've asked me 5 months ago I definitely would've said surrogacy only...but I can't deny that I've been a little bit jealous of the fact that you get to experience actually carrying her. There are so many special moments that come along with being pregnant. It kind of makes me sad to think about the fact that I'm missing out on that stuff."

"Well, if you do decide to try surrogacy again I'd be happy to carry your future babies. You guys have made this entire experience so wonderful."

They finished their lunch and drove to a nearby outdoor mall, perusing through the baby sections of several different stores. Shawn texted his wife pictures of his and Quinn's day together throughout the afternoon — one of her attempting to build a sandcastle on the beach outside of their house, one of Shawn holding her as they waded in the tide, and one of them both sitting on the back porch with Quinn's face covered in ice cream.

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