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[Smut Warning]

Even the simple task of making dinner together her first night home made her heart swell with happiness. It was such a normal and domestic thing to do but she savored every second of it.

"I missed being with you during moments like these," she sighed as she laid her head against his arm as he worked on sautéing some veggies.

"I missed having you here." He turned his face and kissed the top of her head. Quinn began to fuss in her nursery, so Camila left Shawn to finish dinner by himself as she took care of feeding their daughter. Camila's struggles since Quinn had been born had definitely put a strain on their bond, but breastfeeding was always one thing that made Camila feel connected to her little angel. Shawn finished cooking his and Camila's dinner just as Quinn finished her meal.

"Perfect timing," Camila giggled as Shawn plated their food. They spent their evening and night eating food, watching TV, and catching up on anything and everything. Despite seeing each other every day while she was in treatment, it still felt like they hadn't seen each other in forever. Quinn eventually fell asleep for the night and Shawn and Camila both knew exactly what that meant for the two of them. He pulled the door to her nursery shut and looked at Camila, her cheeks already a soft shade of pink at the thought of what was about to happen. Without any hesitation, he cupped her face in his hands and slowly brought their lips together in a loving, passionate kiss. Her hands gently explored his abs and the sides of his torso until he carefully pulled away from the kiss.

"Hold on," he said quietly. "I need to go do something." He turned around and went into their bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Minutes later, he came back out and took Camila's much smaller hands into his. "Come on," he whispered as he led her into their bedroom. The lights were off but their bedroom was also decorated with countless candles, illuminating everything perfectly. Quiet music played from the small speaker that sat on his nightstand as he closed the door behind them. "I missed you," he breathed against her lips before pulling her in for another passionate, heated kiss.

Having spent so much time away from each other, they were both somewhere between wanting each other as soon as possible and wanting to take their time and savor the moment. They opted for the second option as Shawn lifted Camila up by the back of her thighs and gently laid her down onto their bed. They spent a lot of time simply kissing—both completely intoxicated by the other's lips. When Camila's delicate hands began to play with the hem of his shirt, he knew that was his cue to take it off. He sat up and peeled the fabric away from his body as his fiancée looked up at him in admiration. His lips attached to hers once again before slowly trailing down her jaw to her neck, gently nibbling and sucking at the supple skin. Camila let out a hushed gasp as Shawn's lips migrated to the spot on her neck that he knew was her weakness. Her fingers tangled into his brown curls as his kissed began to move further south. He carefully slid his large hands beneath her shirt, effortlessly pulling it off of her small frame.

He couldn't deny that he quite enjoyed the little growth spurt her breasts had gotten during and after her pregnancy. He took his time kissing her swollen mounds before moving down to her stomach. He absolutely adored the cute little stretch marks that peppered her skin after her pregnancy. He kissed each one before reaching his final destination. He lowered his face in front of her covered sex, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth in anticipation before leaning in and kissing her core through the thin fabric. He heard her emit a quiet sigh of relief at the contact, and that was all he needed to pull back the cloth layer and taste her for the first time in far too long. His tongue moved slowly and tentatively, desperate to savor as much of her as he could. He expertly switched from kittenish licks against her clit to broad licks all the way up her glistening folds before slowly pushing his tongue in and out of her clenching core. Sounds of her gasps and moans echoed through the room, and although he knew he could easily use his fingers to bring her to completion, he had his sights set on using only his tongue for her first orgasm of the night. He succeeded, and within minutes Camila was writhing on the bed as she came undone against his tongue.

His cock twitched in his pants and as desperate as he was for his own release, he needed to watch her cum again. It had been far too long since he had gotten to experience it and now that he had he never wanted it to stop. He gently worked his middle and ring fingers into her tight warmth, slowly pulling them out and pushing them back in at a pace that he knew would be too slow for her personal preference. His thumb softly swiped at her sensitive bundle of nerves as he slightly curled his fingers inside of her, massaging her walls and caressing her clit in a way that had her falling off the edge of her second orgasm within a few minutes. He slowly pulled his fingers from her clenching channel before leaning in to take one last lick through her soaked folds. The look of bliss on Camila's face as he moved back up to kiss her made his heart soar. She always looked insanely beautiful post-orgasm.

Shawn leaned down to kiss her, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. She put her hands to his chest and carefully rolled them so that she could be on top. She mirrored his previous movements—kissing from his lips, to his jaw, to his neck, to his chest. She took her time when she got to the hem of his pants, kissing and palming the obvious bulge through the fabric. She pulled his pants and underwear off at the same time. She hadn't initially meant to—but she considered it a happy accident. His dick was stiff and pink and perfect. She let his length rest against his abs as she covered it in small kisses from the base to the tip. His breathing was heavy and she knew he was desperate for relief. She took his length into her small hand, swirling her tongue around his tip before taking as much as she could of his cock into her mouth. She watched his eyes flutter shut as he tilted his head back on the pillow, clearly enjoying the way she was pleasuring him. She took her time bobbing her head slowly up and down his length, her free hand cupping and massaging his balls. He moaned and bucked his hips up before tangling his hands in her hair and pulling himself out of her mouth.

"I don't wanna cum yet, baby..." he said quietly as he pulled her back up to be face to face with him. They started kissing again before Shawn rolled back on top of her, her legs instinctively spreading to welcome him. He pulled away only to retrieve a condom from the nightstand drawer. Camila looked over to see what he was doing and groaned.

"That's one thing I'm going to miss about being pregnant," she sighed.

"What? No condoms?" he chuckled. She nodded as he slid the lubricated latex onto his dick. He leaned back down for another kiss as he aligned himself with her center, slowly pushing into her and filling her to the brim. Her back arched up off of the bed as his name fell from her lips in the form of a satisfied moan. He settled himself on top of her, her arms wrapping around his neck as he began to slowly rock his hips against hers. Finally being fully connected again after nearly twenty weeks was enough to send them both into overdrive. Her tight, wet heat grasped onto his length as he plunged himself into her depths. He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck as he thrusted into her, his quiet grunts and moans of how good she felt being muttered into her ear. Shawn began to rock his hips faster as they both chased their high, Camila's nails scratching down his toned back as he brought her to the brink of another earth-shattering orgasm. Unable to hold back any longer, he released himself into the condom just as her walls began to convulse and clench around his cock. He once again kept his eyes on her face as she came, taking note of her mouth falling open and her eyes rolling back in pleasure as her body shook beneath him.

Their love-making had exhausted them—but not nearly enough, because soon enough they found themselves in a similar situation during rounds two and three.

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