Write It On My Neck

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"Have I ever mentioned how much I love waking up next to you?" Shawn hummed as he pulled Camila closer to him.

"A few times," Camila giggled. "For the record, I love waking up next to you too." She tilted her head up to capture his lips in hers briefly before pulling away. "Are you working today?"

"Yeah, I've got about an hour before I have to go get ready."

"An hour?" Camila questioned with a smirk. "I wonder what kind of things we could do in an hour..." She drew her bottom lip between her teeth, waiting for him to pick up on the hints she was dropping. Shawn snorted and shook his head.

"You're insatiable, you know that right?"

"Don't act like you don't love it," Camila joked as she playfully swatted his bicep.

"You've got me there, I really do love it." He gently brushed her hair away from her face before leaning in and connecting their lips in a heated, passionate kiss before spending their free hour pleasuring each other in any way they could.


"Have fun," Camila cooed as she stood up on her tiptoes to give Shawn a goodbye kiss. "Break a leg. Sing your heart out. Kick some ass. Be hot." Shawn laughed.

"I mean that's pretty much my daily routine, babe." Camila playfully rolled her eyes at his comment and soon enough he was on his way to perform at the café.

Camila had plans to spend the day at her parent's house, the same house she grew up in. They had made the decision that their house was too big for them. They wanted something nice, but small—so they were selling the house. Camila's bedroom remained fairly untouched since she had moved out. Aside from the things she had taken with her when she moved, everything else was still in her old bedroom. Her mom had called her a few days prior and asked if she could come over to help sort through her things so they knew they weren't donating or throwing away anything important that Camila would want to keep.

"Have you gone through this box yet, mija?" Sinu asked. Camila glanced into the box and shook her head.

"No, I haven't looked in that one yet." Camila stood up and fanned herself. "Mami, do you have a hair tie? It's really hot in here and I don't think having my hair down is helping."

"Check in the bathroom," Sinu called out as she made her way into the living room to continue packing up boxes in there. Sure enough, there was a hair tie in the bathroom so Camila threw her hair up in a messy bun and continued sorting through her things. As she sorted through the box that Sinu had given her, she came across a prize ribbon that she had gotten for winning first place in a poetry competition when she was in elementary school. She pulled it out of the box and smiled at it. She would've never guessed that years later she'd be getting ready to sign a book deal with one of the biggest publishers in the world.

"Mama!" she called out. "Come look at what I found!" Sinu came in and smiled when she saw the little blue ribbon in her daughter's hand.

"Oh, I remember when you won that. I don't think I've ever seen you so excited!" She grinned at the memory before looking at Camila curiously, furrowing her brows and pursing her lips.

"What's that look for?" Camila asked in confusion. Her mom remained silent as her eyes were glued to her daughter's neck. Camila stood up and walked over to the mirror that hung above her old dresser to see the fresh hickey on her neck. She groaned and silently cursed her boyfriend before turning to face her mom again. "I'm guessing the whole 'it's just a curling iron burn' excuse won't work anymore?" Sinu shook her head in disappointment.

"Look, Karla...you're a grown woman now. I can't tell you how to live your life or who to give your body to but please just be careful. That boy hurt you once before and I don't want to see you get hurt again—"

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