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I can't imagine what a world would be,
I can't imagine what a world would be,
I can't imagine what world would be without you.
All the birds would stop their songs;
Without you, all things right would feel so wrong.
I can't imagine what a world would be,
No, I can't imagine what a world would be,
No, I can't imagine what a world would be.
Without you I'd always be alone,
Without you I don't know where to go,
I can't imagine what a world would be,
No, I can't imagine what a world would be,
I can't imagine what a world would be,
I can't imagine,
I can't imagine, no,
I can't imagine, no, what a world would be without you.
I'd always be alone,
I'd always be alone...

The soft guitar strumming and quiet sound of her husband's raspy morning voice singing woke her from her sleep in the best way possible. He was sitting on their bedroom's balcony with a steaming cup of coffee sitting next to him as he played his guitar and sang. His music had definitely taken a backseat since Quinn was born; as did Camila's poetry. Camila continuously encouraged him to get back into it, but he made it clear that his top priority was taking care of his family. Still, hearing him write and sing songs was an extremely welcome way to wake up. She laid in bed listening to his melody, her smile fading slightly as she listened to the heartbreaking words he was singing. She rolled out of bed and stepped out onto the balcony with him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind and pressing her lips to his cheek.

"Good morning, baby..."

"Hi," she said into the crook of his neck.

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "I loved it." He put his large hand on her face and leaned in to kiss her lips. "No wait! I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"I don't care," he said sincerely as he leaned in and kissed her tenderly.

"You ok?" she asked him as she pulled away from his lips. "My morning breath is bad...and that song you were singing earlier was pretty damn heartbreaking."

"I'm ok," he choked out with glassy eyes. "Just had another nightmare last night and I...I don't know. I'm just really terrified of losing you." He set his guitar down as she moved in front of him and sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her temple as she snuggled against his shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you too," he replied. They savored the sweet moment together for a couple of minutes before going back inside to start making breakfast before Quinn woke up.

"I missed hearing you sing," Camila said as she watched her husband make pancakes.

"I sing all the time."

"No, I mean I missed hearing you do what you were doing this morning. I missed hearing you mindlessly strum on the guitar while you just sing out whatever lyrics come to you. I feel like it's been a while since I've heard you write songs."

"It has been," he sighed. "I miss it too, honestly. Trying to make money being a musician is just so...exhausting."

"I imagine it is."

"I might just start focusing on songwriting," he said quietly. "I mean like...for other artists. As much as I love performing I think my heart is mainly in writing."

"You're a really talented songwriter," she said. "I think you should do whatever your heart is telling you to do." She walked over to him and placed her hand on his bicep, standing up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Over the next few weeks he poured his entire heart and soul into writing songs. He connected with some other songwriters in Miami and got in the studio with them to create songs that they could then sell to recording artists. Every time Shawn would come home from the studio he seemed lighter and would always excitedly tell Camila all about everything they had created that day. He also would always double check to make sure that Camila wasn't having any issues taking care of Quinn all day and she always assured him that she had no issues taking care of their daughter while he was at the studio.

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