Round One

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[Smut Warning]

"I love you," he mumbled against her neck before attaching his lips to her skin.

"I love you too," she replied breathlessly. Their dinner plan had gone out the window—at least for now. They could warm up the food again later. Right now, they needed each other. Camila was undoubtedly nervous but he was doing and incredible job at making her comfortable and putting her at ease. He propped himself up next to her on the bed with one arm as he used the other to move his hand from her hip—slowly up the side of her body—until reaching her chest. Her hardened nipples were peeking through the thin material of her t-shirt. He moved his hand to softly massage her breasts, brushing his thumb over the sensitive peaks. Her gasps remained fairly quiet as he slowly built up the anticipation. He lifted his lips from her neck just long enough to maintain eye contact with her as he peeled his shirt off of his toned body.

"Can I?" he asked as his fingertips fumbled with the hem of her t-shirt. Camila nodded and watched as he slowly pulled her shirt off—looking at her exposed torso in amazement. "You're beautiful," he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her neck again. "So...fucking...beautiful." The words came out softly between kisses as his lips moved their way down to her chest. He moved slightly so he could wrap his lips around her nipple and the moment he did so she felt his length pressing against her thigh, causing her to blush. Camila's breasts were just sensitive enough to have everything he was doing nearly throw her into a tailspin without it being too painful. She moaned a bit louder than she had intended to when he gave a gentle suck on one of her nipples causing Shawn to smile against her skin. "Does that feel good?"

"So good," she softly gasped. He moved his free hand down to rest just between her thighs.

"Can I...can I touch you?" Camila smiled and nodded as his hand snaked its way into the waistband of her sweatpants and past the thin fabric of her panties. She let out a soft moan when his fingers slowly began to caress the smooth, wet skin of her folds. He leaned in and connected his lips with hers, kissing her like his life depended on it as his touches became more intentional, slowly circling her clit with his fingers. Camila moaned into the kiss and began to buck her hips up just slightly, desperate for more. He picked up on the hint almost instantly and began to slowly circle his fingers around her entrance.

"Please," Camila whimpered. With that, he pushed his finger into her, thrusting it in and out slowly a few times before adding another. "Oh my god," Camila moaned. Much to her dismay, Shawn ceased his motions and sat up. She was slightly confused at first but that quickly went away when he began to pull off her sweatpants and panties. She felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable—in a way she had only felt with one other person before. Still, she didn't feel insecure or self-conscious. He really had already made her feel incredibly beautiful. He kissed her stomach a few times before moving down to her legs—peppering her caramel thighs with soft kisses. Camila threw her head back and moaned when she felt his tongue lick through her slick folds. The bump made it nearly impossible to watch him, but the feeling of his lips and tongue working their magic was enough for her. He inserted his two fingers into her once more as his lips wrapped around her clit, sucking gently. "Shawn...I'm..." Before she could finish her thought she was convulsing around his fingers, moaning needily as she came undone.

"Holy shit," he groaned as he slowly removed his fingers from her clenching sex. "You're so sexy." Camila blushed and rolled her eyes playfully. Shawn sat up and pulled off his own pants and underwear, leaving him fully naked. Camila drew her bottom lip between her teeth when she saw him in all of his well-endowed glory. He hovered above her once more, leaning down to kiss tenderly her as he slowly moved the tip of his cock through her folds. He pressed his face into her neck as he slowly pushed into her, earning a throaty moan from the woman beneath him. He stayed still for a few moments to allow them both to collect themselves before beginning to slowly rock his hips into hers. He quickly decided that he was addicted to the sound of her moaning—breathy and raspy while still being melodic and genuine. He could listen to her forever.

"Fuck...don't stop...oh my god," she gasped. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her as he continued to thrust into her. "Faster...please," she panted. He obliged, rocking his hips into her faster as her moans got slightly louder and more frequent. He felt her walls tighten and grasp at his dick before throbbing around him as she threw her head back in ecstasy, gasps of pleasure leaving her lips. Seeing and feeling her orgasm was enough to trigger his own. He stilled inside of her as he emptied himself into her, groaning against her skin as he did so. He remained inside of her as they caught their breath.

"Wow," she sighed.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "I agree. I always knew that people said sex is so much better when you're in love with the person but I didn't know it would be like that." He sat up and slowly pulled himself out of her. Both moaned as his cum slowly dripped out of her—him at the sight and her at the feeling. "Sorry...I probably should've asked where you wanted me to..."

"It's okay," Camila sighed. "Honestly I would've told you to do that anyways. I mean, it's not like we have to worry about an accidental pregnancy or anything." They both chuckled. After getting cleaned up, they made their way back out into the kitchen and warmed their food from earlier back up—although round two followed shortly after they had finished eating.

A/N: Didn't want to leave you hanging. They did it!

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