A Misunderstanding? And Not Really Listening?

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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧~PART ELEVEN~✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)  

I bit my lip trying not to cry..my leg it was in so much pain Niall must of notice he yelled "lads help us!". The couch was lifted off of us Louis was standing there and looked at me with sad eyes  "i'm so SO sorry!" in the saddest voice, I told him "its ok-" "what the heck did you do that for lad!" Niall yelled at Louis I bit my lip and pointed out "no its okay Niall, i'm fine I promise", Louis walked away, frustrated I grumbled at Niall "why did you have to yell at him!?" Niall walked away into the kitchen not replying, I took a breather then went to follow him when I stopped cause I heard Louis and Niall talking.

Louis: Niall just don't play dirty tricks

Niall: No I don't like her like that

I felt my heart sink and backed away from the door wow..I thought he liked me...wait what tricks? I felt hurt with my heart feeling heavy I went as fast as I could on my crutches and went to some random room crying. I threw myself on the random bed I heard the door open guess who it was? Harry of course..out of all the rooms I could have picked. He looked at me with a worried expression so I hid my face in the pillow. Harry rushed over to me then I felt him rubbing my back and he asked gently "whats wrong babe?" even tho I was upset I still felt myself blush dang it why does he do this to me? I looked at him to see his still worried expression I just told him "Niall" and started tearing up Harry whispered rubbing my back smoothly "shhhhh baby girl" my eyes felt like they were 10 pounds so I leaned into Harry falling asleep pretty quickly in his arms.

~~~~*Niall's POV*~~~~

(A little earlier)

I walked into the kitchen after Louis walked off "hey dude no hard feeling? I didn't mean to freak out", "its alright but i'm worried about you..", "what? why?" I asked he just looked at me "Niall just don't play dirty tricks.". I ran my hand through my hair "No I don't like her like that " I leaned in closer and whispered "I love her" Louis looked shocked "Niall you just met her! Just don't hurt her please shes so innocent" I wanted to change the subject so I said "soooo whats up", "wait you really like her don't you?" I shook my head "shes special I really really like her" I smiled thinking about her.

Louis grinned "well you better go find her!" hes right! I got up going into the living room wait wheres Marissa? Maybe she went to our bedroom..wait ours?? I like the sound of that! I smiled walking to my room opening the door "hey Princess?" I looked around but I didn't see her. I went to the hallway and seen Liam and asked him "hey lad, wheres Marissa??" he pointed at Harry's door so I rushed to the door putting my ear to it and listened.

Harry: Whats wrong babe?

There was a pause what I heard next put a pang in my heart

Marissa: Niall

Wait what did I do?? She sounds like shes upset I can't help it so I walked in and seen Marissa and Harry sleeping Marissa was cuddling Harry which made me extremely jealous..yeah shes not my girlfriend but I want her to be. I turned around wiping a tear from my eye I swear this always happens every time I like a girl Some guy always swoops in!! Sometimes I wish I was more flirty and not so shy..I was about to run to my room but when I passed Liam in the hallway he tried to ask "whats wrong Niall?" but I just walked into the room ignoring him I felt hurt...like SO hurt I laid on my bed alone..falling asleep alone...

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