Part thirty eight-Harrys surprise date and warming up to Harry

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Before I stepped out of the house Harry told me "there's a surprise out there for you so let me cover your eyes". I felt his hand over my eyes and I heard the door open n felt Harry lead me outside I could hear a clickly clackly noise just like a horse then it stopped Harry uncovered my eyes to revile a horse carriage I smiled at Harry. "is he friendly?" I asked the coachman (which is the driver) he nodded his head as I ran my hand under its neck "alright babe lets go" I walked away from the horse as I walked away the horse watched me it probably enjoyed me petting it. Harry climbed into the carriage then held his hand out to help me so I took his hand n he pulled me up beside him. The coachman handed me a blanket so I unfolded it putting over me n Harry for warmth he pressed his leg against me and I laid my head on his shoulder just then the horse started walking. I sat up looking around I just love Toronto I told Harry a bunch of stories of my past he smiled listening to me.

*Harry's POV*
I decided to take a horse carriage because I know its slower then most transportation n that gives me more time to get to know Marissa. I figured out y I like her so much she doesn't see me as Harry Styles the pop star she sees me as Harry Styles a normal teenage boy I love hearing about her hometown I want to give her a night that she will always remember I looked her in the eyes letting her know im listening which made her smile I finally feel like someone likes me for me.

*Marissa's POV*

Harry was looking me right in the eyes and he found my hand under the blankets n intertwined his fingers with mine something caught Harry's eye so he wasn't paying attention so I took the opportunity to look at his handsome face with his perfect curls n his dimples showing slightly suddenly our eyes met "what?" he asked noticing me watching him I just shook my head because I just kept it to myself. Harry started stroking the back of my hand with his thumb as the carriage kept rolling I was dying to know where we were going but I had to wait. We were passing through a part of Toronto when we stopped Harry paid the driver as I took a look around n I looked to see the Toronto zoo OMG this is amazing as we got off the carriage Harry got his sunglasses on n we walked to the front gate holding hands Harry got our tickets then we headed right to the monkeys they were just roaming around n climbed on people so we took a seat near the monkeys n soon one of them came on the bench beside me n climbed onto my shoulder then over to Harry's. Suddenly the monkey stole Harry's sunglasses then it ran away there were people looking at us then some girl screamed "Harry" then Harry grabbed my hand n we ran to this store there were only a few people there, some girls asked for autographs so Harry took care of that suddenly my phonestarted to vibrate.

Kassidey: Hey boo sorry I been busy with school :*

Marissa: hey n its alright how r u?

When I looked up from texting Harry was starring at me n he asked "who u texting babe", "my friend Kassidey", "oh alright". Yes Kassidey is a girls name but this Kassidey is a guy n hes my ex but we are on good terms speaking about him my phone vibrated again.

Kassidey: im better now that im talking to u ;)

Marissa: aw how sweet :)

I looked over at Harry who was talking to some lady then he came over to me "alright well there's a few people waiting outside do u mind if I go sign autographs?", "go ahead" Harry smiled n kissed my cheek then walked away as my phone vibrated.

Kassidey: so hows ur love life? will u give me a chance yet

Marissa : im not dating anyone yet but I might be in a few days

As I waited for his reply I started thinking about how I use to be so lonely and sad but now im so happy n just loving life it kinda upsets me hes cutting some of our date off I know Niall wouldn't do that but then I smiled thinking about him when my phone started ringing n I picked up.

Kassidey: so ur finally gonna date me again???

Me: Kassidey you are my friend right?

Kassidey: of course for better or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part

Me: aw ur so cute and sweet but what I wanted to say was that since ur my friend I can be honest with you right

Kassidey: yes booboo

Me: well im kinda on a date

Kassidey: then whyyyyyyy are you on the phone if your on a date

Me: well hes kinda busy

Kassidey: no guy should keep a pretty girl waiting

Me: aw well im gonna go going I will text you later

Kassidey :alright bye and I love u booboo

Me: love ya too

When I was done I started looking around in the store when suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me "sorry I had to go babe", "its alright", "no its not how can I make it up to you", "lets just finish our date pls". suddenly some geese started walking towards Harry he noticed this and walked away from them but they followed him so he started walking fast then running and the geese ran after him, one of them took off flying catching up to Harry and then it flew away Harry bent down holding his butt so I asked him "what happened", "that thing bit me" I smiled trying to hold in my laugh and Harry said "ehhh dont u dare laugh or else" I burst out laughing covering my face Harry threw me over his shoulder and carried me over to the polar bears he put me down finally and we walked over to see the polar bears there was a mom polar bear also two cubs the mom watched as the two cubs ran around and played with each other I took a step close to the exhibit then I felt Harry press up against my back and he held the railing with his arms around me as we watched the cubs tire them self out then lay with their mom on a flat rock nuzzling into her as they full asleep we walked to the next exhibit wordless it was to dark to read any of the sign as we go closer I looked down to see a tank of water n two seals swimming through the water dancing Harry pressed against me again hugging my from behind we watched the seals race around looking so graceful in the water one of the seals hopped onto a rock n suddenly let out two loud barks which scared me n Harry breaking the silence we both giggled as the seal slipped back into the water like it just came up to scare us. I turned around in Harry's arms chest to chest looking up at him I looked up at the sky noticing it started snowing snowflakes stared filling Harry's hair then he closed the gap between us pressing his lips against mine I went on my tippy toes to get more into it his hand was on my waist pulling me closer I put one of my hands on his neck keeping the kiss I felt Harry smile then pulled away I looked at him smiling with his dimples which made me smile n said "ur hairs is full of snowflakes", "so is urs babe yeah but ur has a lot more" he teased "oh yeah", "yeah" he said confused I walked over to a pile of snow grabbed a handful n took a step towards him when he saw wat I was doing he started backing away "don't u dare" he smiled backing away I almost got him but he slipped away n ran in a circle around me then he let me catch him so I threw the snow in his hair Harry brushed some of the snowflakes out of his hair then he said "two can play at that game" he bent down grabbing a handful I was laughing to hard so he caught me holding me in one arm as he sprinkled some on my head n face I squirmed feeling the coldness on my neck n face."its cold" I squealed n squirmed more then we lost balance I fell on top of Harry. we made our way over to the giraffes one of them was standing right in front of me I looked up taking in how big these animals r Harry handed me a bag that had some food for it so we started feeding it "how about we go get some food" Harry asked then smiled at me with a big dimply smile "of course" he held my hand leading me to the front gates. Randomly a limo parked beside us n Harry opened the door n gestured for me to go in I smiled at him n got in. Harry closed the door the ran over to the other side sitting beside me we both put our seat belts on n he threw his arm around me as the limo driver took off driving Harry put on a hat n sunglasses its amazing how much it hides who he is. Once we stopped in front of the place where we were going to I got so excited yes I lived in Toronto for the past 18 years n I have never been to the CN tower which is a popular attraction here.

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