Part forty two-Niall's date part two singing on rides and bumper cars

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*Niall's POV*

We went on a few rides like bumper cars I just tried to get Marissa the whole time but she always get away we also went on this roller coaster it was just a small one but im not a fan of big ones anyway now we were making our way to the scrambler Marissa wont tell me what it is once we got there I seen it was in a small building "so why is this ride inside?", "u will see" I smiled because I was kinda excited this is so different from the places i been too. I started getting lost in thought when I started thinking of Marissa I just want to make her laugh even though when I make her laugh I kinda blush but I never told anyone n I want to make her smile I have always wanted to date a girl by just looking at her just then I heard Marissa say my name.

*Marissa's POV*

We were waiting in line for the scrambler when I noticed the cute boy n girl they also came on the last two rides with us I noticed Niall deep in thought so I was looking around then I heard the bells from then train then seen it "hey Niall" I said, he was to deep in thought so I said his name a bit louder then he looked at me n said "sorry what baby?", "oh I was just going to say do u want to go on the train after", "well of course love" just then the door opened n some lady came out n once we got inside we sat down" Niall whoever sits on the outside gets squished so I should sit there", "uh no let me sit on the on the outside", "but I don't want to hurt u", "u wont baby I would hurt u more i weigh moor then u", "finee" I sat down sadly losing Niall strapped us in tight n pulled down the bar the lady came over n locked us is in. Niall wrapped his arm around me as the ride started once it started going faster Niall said "that's it?" then the lights turned off n Niall said "uh is this suppose to happen?" I smiled then lights started shining all over the room n there was also colorful lights. I felt the rush of excitement n started singing along with the song n I looked at Niall who was also singing along I could barley hear him over the loud music. Once his part came i yelled "this is my fav part" n he looked right at me n sang it n pulled me closer I finished the song by yelling the last five words "and let me kiss you" then I felt Nialls soft lips on mine I kissed back they pulled away one the lights turned back on n the ride stopped. We made our way outside n I lead Niall over to the bumper boats Nialls eyes widen once he seen them "wow thats amazing I never seen a ride like that" I smiled n stood in the line waiting. It was almost our turn n we got our life jackets on n yes u have to wear them in case u fall in then I remembered what happened last year "omg Niall last year I came hear for my birthday n when I got on this ride last time i got stuck when everybody was making there way to the dock to get off my boat turned off", "omg that must of been so funny" I hit him on the arm lightly n said "hey even my friends were laughing at me n saying that i got saved by this hot guy" Niall was looking at me wiredly "uh what?", "oh nothing" just then my phone started ringing n it was Harry I told him not to call me unless it was important so I picked it up right away.


Harry: omg thank god u answered Kyle and Zayn got in a fight n idk wat to do

Marissa: im on my way

Harry:but Marissa ur date

Marissa:I will make it up to Niall Kyle just never gets in fights so this is serious I will be there as soon as possible

I hung up n started walking quickly towards the ferry "whoa Marissa what happened n who was that on the phone n did u say Kyle got in a fight", "yes Niall n like i said Kyle never gets in fights so I need to be there as fast as possible", "alright is there a faster way to get back to Toronto?", "well we could take a water taxi but its really expensive", "its alright I will pay like u said u need to get there soon as possible" I smiled at Niall tearing up a bit cause im just so sensitive we were waiting for the boat to come n when we stopped Niall noticed my teary eyes n said "whats wrong", "oh nothing Niall its just no one has ever done something like this for me n ur just so amazing n sweet" n i gave him a tight hug n a long kiss he put his hand on my cheek n i pulled away feeling a lot of butterflies the boat pulled up beside us n we got in n made our way.

(Half an hour later)

We just got to the house Niall paid for us to also take a taxi right to the house when I walked in Harry was sitting there n he got n came up to me n said " Kyle's in my room with Louis n Zayn is in his room with Liam" I pushed my way past n went straight to Harry's room. Kyle was sitting on the floor n Louis was standing right beside Kyle I said "Louis out pls", "fineee" n he went out the room n closed the door behind him. I broke the silence by saying " so wat happened" i sat beside him then he looked up at me n told me everything "well we were all having fun n me Harry n Liam were sitting in the living room chilling n Louis n Zayn stood at the back door n started smoking weed, Zayn walked over to us laughing n he blew some in my face so I said "can u not" but he laughed n said "come on bro" n blew more in my face I was getting pissed off so I stood up to walk out n Zayn blew it in my face one last time n said dont be a party popper n it made me kinda upset n mad so I went at him I dont know why but I tried to punch him before I could do anything Harry grabbed me n Liam took Zayn in the room n Louis took me in here n we been just chilling" n he took a deep breath "wow well at least u didn't hear him when I heard u got in a fight i was like wat Kyle got in a fight but r u okay", "of course Liam came in here n told me Zayn said sorry n said that u said that ur brother smokes weed" it was true I did say that but I have more then just one brother "well I didn't tell them about Dylan so they thought I meant u", "oh it makes sense well I feel so bad I wanna say sorry to Zayn", "alright good plan" n we opened the door to leave n Louis was standing there "uh Louis wheres Zayn's room", "two doors down". We knocked on the door n Liam opened it n smiled n said "come in" we came in n Zayn stood up when he saw us n Kyle walked over to Zayn n said "im so sorry bro its just I don't smoke weed or even like the smell of it our older brother Dylan smokes weed' everyone said "ohhh" n I heard a few from behind me n seen Niall, Harry n Louis all standing there n i said "alright guys hug" everyone started chanting "hug hug hug" then the two boys hugged each other tightly n Zayn said "we r the sexi bros we gotta stick together" I smiled at them n said "well since its only like 6 we should do something" everyone started yelling out stuff n i said "alright how about we just sit in a circle play all these games" everyone say "yayyyy" n we all ran to the living room n sat in a circle of course I was in between Niall n Harry then beside Harry was Liam, Zayn, Louis and then Kyle. Everyone was yelling out suggestions n everyone started getting louder because they were trying to talk louder over each other so I yelled out "hey" as loud as I could n everyone was starring at me "alright lets write down all of our ideas on a piece of paper even if u have more then one idea just write them down n then we will put them in the hat n we have to do them all no matter what". Louis got up n said " I will get the stuff" n he ran somewhere to get it. I felt someone lean on me n it was Harry of course "hey can I talk to u", "of course" I followed him to his room n he closed the door behind me n he smiled at me wit his dimples I just cant get enough of them "oh really?", "wait wat", "u said u cant resits me n that im sexi" I laughed n said "noooo i said i cant get enough of ur dimples but i didn't mean o say it out loud why does this happen to me" I look at Harry who was grinning "what?" I said suddenly Louis came rushing in with a tray wit juice n cups n he bumps right into Haryy dumping everything on Harry "OMG im sorry Harry", "its alright bro", "well come out after u change n we can start" n Louis rushed out n closed the door. Harry took his shirt off n grabbed another one he noticed me looking at him so I looked away like nothing happened "hey I seen u looking don't pretend like u didn't just stare" I turned around right into Harry who was standing right in front of me I got butterflies its just he has abs n its hard not to look soo maybe I can change the subject "alright Harry lets go-" I was interrupted by Harry flexing which made him look 10x better then before "Harry they r waiting-" he did it again I rolled my eyes n said quickly "put ur shirt on n meet me in the living room" n i walked to the living room. Once I got there everyone was still in the circle but Kyle n Niall were missing n who can guess wat they r doing? eating of course I walked over to Louis n sat beside him he smiled n held out a hat filled with little papers I smiled at him n then Harry came out n I said "alright lets all get in our seats".

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