Just A Dream? And Boys Fighting Over Me ALREADY?!

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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧~PART TWO~✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

I cuddled into something warm. Mmmm feels so nice I cuddled more into whatever it was, why is it so firm?? My eyes shot open there under me was Harry Styles. THIS CAN'T BE REAL, so I reached out and pinched his cheek to see if he was real. I was surprised when he yelped "OWWIE"

I just froze whisper, yelling, "Oh my GOSH, this can't be real?!" I started blushing because how I cuddled him and touched his face, I JUST PINCHED HARRY STYLES FACE!! I awkwardly sat up looking around seeing Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, and Louis Tomlinson also all staring back at me.

I blinked once. Twice. Three times and they were all still there! I went to give Harry some space and felt pain shoot through my foot, I yelped holding my foot closing my eyes again falling onto Harry, If I wasn't in so much pain I'd be in awe right now, I heard a soft hush and someone sooth "shhh don't worry Love were on the way to the hospital".

I was speechless, so I rubbed my eyes, saying the thing that's on my mind blurting out "wheres Niall?" WHY DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!? Dam me! Harry frowned, asking, "waitt whyyyyyy??" I blushed because I didn't want to admit why...Louis cried "OHHHH I see how it is! I'm not your fav! WELL THEN! lover boy is at our place he was too hungry to come with. " he crossed his arms and put his back to me.

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it "Noo I love you all the same" that was a lie, I have a soft spot for Niall with his blue eyes and the blonde hair just AHH, Harry suddenly interrupted my thoughts "oooo so you loveeee us" in a mocking tone "well yeahhh you are my favorite band.." I smiled confidently.

They all smiled back at that, but Harry yelled out happily, then calmed himself down"sorry bab- love, I didn't get your name?" feeling like a small shy kid I started blushing and hid my face, I worked up enough courage to look at him, he has a big stupid smirk seeing how shy they made me, He is doing this on PURPOSE!

I mumbled out shyly "I'm Marissa" now his smile went from ear to ear "that's the most gorgeous name I have ever heard" he complemented me making me blush so hard and he started moving closer to me leaning in my space I got buttterflies and gently shoved him making him fall off the seat all the boys went "ooooo" together, Harry scrambled to get up and sat down with a pouty face making us all laugh.

We arrived at the hospital Harry got right out then stuck his head back in and held his hand out helping me stand next to the limo, Liam ran over to us with a wheelchair then Zayn and Harry took my arms helping me into it, Harry quickly got behind me so he could push the wheelchair, I heard Liam grumble "hey let me push her! I can do it, " he tried to whisper but was too loud, I didn't hear what Harry said back, but I did hear Zayn point out,"Come on guys shes not a prize!".

Finally, I started moving. I looked back to see Harry pushing me with a smile he noticed me and winked, and my face was getting hot, dam it... I blushed WAY too easy! I turned around so he couldn't see me. Harry found a spot with four seats, so he parked me in front of his seat and sat down, followed by Liam, Louis, and Zayn.

I put my hand on the wheels and started wheeling myself around telling them "see I can do this myself no one needs to help me" I started going backwards just then I heard a scream "OH MY GOSH its One Direction!!" A random group of girls crowded around them in a blink of an eye separating us.

I heard Harry scream, "MARISSA BABE WHERE ARE YOU!" I blushed giggling to myself, then I saw him push his way through some fans. A nurse called my name, and she shooed away all the people, I rolled myself over to her.

She led me to a small room Harry followed right behind me he sat next to me and put his hand on my knee to comfort me I bit my lip trying not to blush, the nurse interrupted our moment asking "so what happened young lady?" As I was about to speak, Harry butted in explaining quickly "WellMeAndMyMatesWereDrivinngAndWeDidntStopInTimeAndWeRanOverHerFoot".

Harry was trying to catch his breath while the nurse raised an eyebrow at him "I said young lady but alright " she got down getting a closer look, she put the blood pressure thing on and put this thing on my finger. After a while she took them off and asked in a motor tone voice "on a scale from one to ten ho-" I cut her off cause I knew what she was gonna ask " i'm not sure how much it hurts I haven't put to much pressure on it but right now its a 6".

When the nurse started pressing on it, the pain made me suck in a breath and I also started tearing up. Without even looking at me, she asked, "Does this hurt?" Before I answered, Harry snapped "obviously look at her. she's in tears!" The nurse gave him a dirty look and grumbled."Keep an eye on this boyfriend of yours, follow the green footprints to the x-ray room. "

I ignored her comment and also Harry's big grin, I knew where to go already I HAVE been here so many times yeahh i'm a klutz, I started wheeling myself but Harry took over pushing me so I just let him and the other 3 boys followed close behind us. Harry put my paper in the bo
x on the wall while we got up so I could see if my foot was broken I have broken my foot before it happen to be the same foot too.

Soon as I got up Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry exclaimed "WHAT are you doing?!" more like yelled it, I explained "just seeing if its broken jeezzzz" as I gently put my foot down someone sneaked behind me wrapping their arms around me pulling me down on their lap. I tried to get up but they had their arms tightly around me I looked back to see Harry with his big dimply smile.

I whined "pleaseee let me get up", "why babe?" he shot, honestly i'm not skinny I don't remember the last time I sat on someones lap or got a piggy back so it bugs me- I felt Harry breathing on my neck and he whispered in my ear "I like you on my lap" I just bit my lip and I was saved when the nurse called my name she told Harry "i'm sorry young man you have to stay out here" he pouted his lips as he got up and put me down in the wheelchair.

I could see a guilty glint on Harry's eye before the nurse wheeled me into the room. She put my foot up on the table, got behind a little window and took a few xray pictures of my foot. I was busy thinking how sweet Harry was for feeling all guilty it was my fault just as much, or even more! Once I got wheeled out Harry rushed over to me "how'd it go??" I could see the worry in his eyes so I just smiled a little saying "wellll I don't know yet, we have to wait for the doctor to look at it but don't worry its just my foot".

Harry ran his hand through his gorgeous curly hair he caught me starring at him which made him smile, he grabbed the wheelchair pulling me closer and went to kiss my cheek someone cleared their throat I paused and saw a doctor standing there "are you Marissa?" he asked. I shook my head and he got a chair to sit in front of me "it appears that you have sprained your foot badly and need to wear a walking cast for about a week but for the next two days I want you to use crutches. Walk on your foot a bit more everyday. Come back if anything bothers you, come with me so we can get you ready" I bit my lip feeling nervous I noticed Harry with his head hung feeling bad I reached over squeezing his leg, just like that he had a smirk on his face....oh Marissa what have you gotten yourself into?

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