Part forty four-sharing a plate with Harry and game night :)

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We got in the living room n Louis made some pizza everyone was eating but Louis was no where in sight, Harry carried me to the kitchen n got a plate wit four slices so I said "jeez ur like Niall n Kyle", "siily two r for me, n two r for u", "ohhhh" he made his way over to the couch n put our plate on the table n he sat down n purposely sitting back on me "ehhh stop squishing meee" I could tell Harry was smiling he scooted forward n i seen Niall sitting close to Harry so I got in between them n Liam said "im up for some twister" Zayn, Kyle, Parrie and Eleanor got up n stood by the mat i went to grab the spinner but got it yanked out of my hand by Louis he smiled n said "u can kiss Harry n Niall while I spin" I gasped n hit him on the arm n say "very funny y dont U kiss Harry n Niall n i will spin" n I took it out of his hand n he gasped n sat on me n said "im not getting up till u give me that back" I gave it to him n said "fine I didnt really wanna do it anyway" he smiled n said "thanks little sis" n he hugged me then got up n sat on the other side of Niall. Harry wrapped his arm around me n pulled me closer to him I smiled at him n i looked at Niall who was just siting there i put my legs on his lap n he put his arms on my leg. Louis finally spinned the spinner"alright who evers first left foot green".

*5 minutes later* (I skip the first five minutes because I dont want to keep putting "left foot red " a whole bunch of times)

Everyone is still in the game Louis finally let me have a turn with the spinner since he had to go to the washroom so I spinned it "alright right hand yellow" I looked over seen there was only one yellow left n it was at the other end of the mat Parrie turned n reached for it n fell over on Liam n he said "dang it" n they sat on the couch then it was Kyle's turn. Harry spinned it n said "left foot blue" before Kyle reached over, Louis played if ur happy n u know it n when it got to the part clap ur hands Zayn nd Kyle clapped their hands n Louis said "HA u fell for it I win u cant take ur hand off" Zayn got up n said "cheaterrr" n him n Kyle sat wit Louis, Elenore got up and said "yaya i winn" n high fived me. I looked over at everyone Parrie n Zayn were cuddling on the couch, Louis n Elenor went off somewhere, Kyle n Niall r doing wat they do best n if u dont know what that is by now its eatting, n Liam was sitting al by himself so I went over to him he smiled once I sat beside him n i said "I will b a part of ur single party" he smiled n said "hey u got Harry n Niall I got no one" n he frowned "thats not true im not dating them im still single n theres billions of girls who wanna b wit u" he smiled n said "I just I just gotta get out there", "yeah exactly good job" Harry was standing in front of me with the hat n he picked the next piece of paper "its truth or daree" everyone had different reactions most of us were excited I could tell some wernt like Liam because well hes all by himself hes right i do have the two guys here n he has no one I guess I must of been starring at Liam this whole time because he was looking at me wired so i broke the silence "uh so is it ok wit u if we play it", "of course it will b fun" im happy hes happy. So we all got in a circle it went me, Harry, Liam, Parrie, Zayn, Eleanor, Louis, Kyle and finally Niall. I needed to go to the washroom so i got up n headed there I decided to go to Nialls washroom because his is a lot cleaner then Harrys, my stomach was feeling sore n I was getting cramps I went to the washroom then washed my face I felt a bit refreshed so fixed my hair quickly n left the washroom. Soon as I opened the door I knew something was up cause all the lights were off now n Nialls door is closed I left the light from the washroom on n I walked out holding my hands out in front of me it was so dark I couldnt see at all suddenly I tripped over something that was followed by someone groaning then I went crashing down on the ground on top of someone so I felt their face this made who ever it was chuckled I knew who it was because I felt the curly locks I whispered "uh Harry whats happening with the lights?", "oh uh just a black out", "then y was Nialls door shut", "I must of did that when I came to tell u" I got up not saying anything cause I knew he was lying so I helped him up n said "alright if thats true u can walk out the door first" I could see only his body shape n he was stil standing beside me "come on Harry" I opened the door n pushed him out Louis, Liam and Eleanor all jumped out n Harry said "she knows" everyones said "wow Harry" n Harry said "well its not my fault its because the doors fault" Eleanor hit Louis on the head n said "I told u to leave it open" Louis looked at me n said "did u see that that wasnt nice" I smiled n said "girl power" n we gave each other a high five Louis said "wowww why do I always lose my girlfriend to my friends" I smiled n went to the kitchen before I got there I noticed Kyle, Zayn and Parrie were gone so I stopped when I seen the dark kitchen "uh Harrys wheres everyone else?", "hiding", "where??", "not saying" I gasped n just ignored him n walked into the kitchen n flicked the light on Kyle was standing there with a plate of ribs I looked at him n said "really Kyle???wait wheres Zayn n Parrie", "in the room making out" I smiled n said "ha u guys failed at scarring me" I went to the fridge to get a drink n when I opened the door Niall jumped out n scared the hell out of me everyone started laughing n i said "REALLY GUYS U EMPTIED OUT THE WHOLE FRIDGE JUST TO SCARE ME" n the room started getting louder when I looked at Niall he had a big smile n I crossed my arms n turned around putting my back to him n I went to Louis n said "so where did u put the drinks" before he replied Harry said "wait I will get u a drink" n he ran to the kitchen if u didnt know by know i decided to give Harry n Niall the silent treatment to see what they do I smiled when I seen Harry getting cups for us he opened the fridge door he said "so fruit punch or pop" after a few seconds of silnce he said "babe?" n he closed the door n looked at me n said "wait wats wrong" he walked up to me n said "wait ur ignoring me" I shook my head n he said "ha u shook ur head" n I said "wait that doesnt count", "haha now u talked to me u lose", "dang it" he smiled n said "so which one", "fruit punch", "fruit punch wat?", "uh fruit punch pls?" he laughed n said "ur funny u mean fruit punch pls babe" I rolled my eyes n took it n went to the living room Niall ran up to me n said "can I talk to u" n he pulled me in the room. We sat on his bed n he said "r u mad at me" n I just kept starring at the wall n he said "oh the silent treatment is it, please talk to me u cant NOT talk to me" he said emphasizing the 'not'. I really wanted to smile bu held back, he threw his hands in the air n said "fine I give up two can play at that game" I couldn't help but grin because I knew he cant go to long with out talking after some sighing n head scratching he gave up n said "okay fine u win" I smiled n still said nothing then he said"baby plsss talkk how can I make u talk" I shrugged my shoulder n looked back at the wall then I felt Nialls hands on my waist n he started tickling me n i yelled "OMG PLS NIALL STOP" he stopped n said " I knew I could make u talk" I crossed my arms n said "u know I can do it agai-", "no no no I miss ur voice" I pinched his cheeks n said "ur a little cutie" n i walked out with NIall n he said "noo im a big cutie" I smiled kissed his cheek then Louis said "come on everyone lets play one more game before its to late" we all started to join around n when i noticed a few people missing I looked around n seen that Eleanor n Parrie were getting ready to leave I walked over to them n said "nooo dont leave meee" Eleanor n Parrie both smiled n Eleanor said "aw sweetie I wouldn't if I didn't I have too" I gave them a tight hug n said "pls tell ur guys to behave" Eleanor smiled n said "louis u better listen" n Louis tackled her down n said "how about truth or dare" we will play next time we all will hang which will hopefully be soon" they both smiled n started saying bye to everyone else. We all crowded around once there were gone n Louis said "alright wat should we play then", Liam grabbed a piece of paper n said "oooo this one is a surprise for u" he said looking at me n I said "wait me?" he shook his head yes n started whispering to all the boys

5 minutes later Marissa's POV
Niall brought me to the dinning room and there was a table set out for us it was nice it had a table with a tablecloth on it and a candle lit and Niall pulled out my chair and motioned for me to sit so i sat down n he pushed me in and kissed my cheek before going to his seat and sitting down. Then I heard some body say something and it was Liam and he started singing " percussion, strings, winds, words

There you see her Sitting there across the way She don't got a lot to say

But there's something about her And you don't know why But you're dying to try

You wanna kiss the girl

Zayn came out of no where and continued singing

Yes, you want her Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word Not a word Go on and kiss the girl

Now all the boys were singing even Kyle joined together

Sing with me now Sha la la la la la

Niall bit his lip and started blushing cause he realized that they really wanted us to kiss, Louis noticed and smiled widely and started singing to Niall.

Oh my Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl Sha la la la la la Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame? Too bad, he gonna miss the girl

Finally Harry finished off the song

Now's your moment Floating in a blue lagoon Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better She don't say a word
And she won't say a word Until you kiss the girl

Everyone has their eyes on us i looked at them and said "really guys the little mermaid" and Liam said "you two still didn't kiss" Niall grabbed me by my arms and dips me into a big long kiss. After a few minutes I realized my brother and the boys were sitting their awkwardly so i pulled away and said "anywayyy i think we should head to bedd" everyone gave each other hugs and said night Niall pulled me into his room n kissed my cheek I smiled and kissed his cheek back and said lets get some sleep we got stuff to do tomorroww" we laid down and I fell asleep cuddled in his warm arms.

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